Just watched a crime program. And can't help sharing this...
...that someone who deserved to be thrown in jail for life without parole, with keys thrown away got just 7 years and served only 3.5 due to a plea deal!!!
I think plea deals are evil, counter productive and a form of bribery by the justice system (who should be setting perfect examples) and therefore should be illegal
I think to get a person to further cooperate once guilty rather than bribe with leniency and a reduction in sentence, there should be a threat of a more severe sentence
If normal sentence is 10 years, if no cooperation double to 20 years
If normal sentence is 20 years, if no cooperation increase sentence to 50 years or life with parole
If normal sentence is life with parole, if no cooperation increase sentence to life without parole
If normal sentence is life without parole, if no cooperation increase sentence to life without parole plus permanent in isolation unit
If normal sentence is death, if no cooperation increase sentence to very slow painful death (hey human rights advocates, think about victims also)
Oh, BTW this is the case: Two neighbours (one much older than the other) got in to a running dispute that got out of hand.
Soon there was a confrontation on the road outside their homes, while the older of the men was in his car. Words were exchanged and the older man (still in his car) took his shot gun and shot the younger one hitting him but not fatally yet. He got of his car, pursued and continued shooting and hitting him. The younger man staggered to a neighbours, seeking help, the older man pursued still and continued shooting ... until his wife wrestled the gun off him. The younger man was down but not dead yet. The older man then took a heavy brick-block, smashed and continued smashing on his head till he died. Nothing could be more premeditated than this (all the times he shot his neighbour -apart from the first time -his neighbour's back was turned towards him and running away from him) yet he served 3 1/2 years
Plea deals do more harm than good.
I haven't done any extensive research on this, but it seems the highest number of plea deals happens in the U.S, maybe many European countries do this too but we don't hear about it