... when I can't resist adding pickled food to a meal?
Last night, decided to have KFC with dill pickles, marinated artichokes, black olives and cocktail onions.
Damn it was good.
I'll have to get that secret recipe some day.
... when I can't resist adding pickled food to a meal?
Last night, decided to have KFC with dill pickles, marinated artichokes, black olives and cocktail onions.
Damn it was good.
I'll have to get that secret recipe some day.
Whats wrong with a little spiced cucumber every now and again, or every meal?
Sometimes I think of pickles as really dead cucumbers.
I feel old when ppl on facebook show pics of yugi oh and bay blade and say "those were the good days" or something like that...wtf..saint seya, dragon ball, black kamen rider, THOSE were the days... little bitches
my perspective of time is that anything after 2000 is still recent
Ren and stimpy, rugrats, Ahhh real monsters... Those were the good days.
Still remember this as my entry point into programming when I was a kid:
No. A craving for pickles with every meal means your pregnant. Congratulations.
Shuffling to the bathroom a few times a night and getting up every morning every joint stiff as a board, even when you haven't been drinking in weeks, now that's a sign you're officially old.
Going to the doctor and thinking "she's not old enough to be a doctor" is also a sure sign.
Walking around in the shopping mall, seeing a family with a grown [daughter] and finding [her] [mother] more attractive, that's getting old (substitute appropriate gender-specific word in the brackets for your personal situation).
Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer
I've got some cataract surgery coming up next week. That's making me feel old!
(only in my mid-thirties!)
I realized I was getting old* when I threw out my back last year.
Mid-twenties for me.
*or at least was no longer a kid
As far as TV goes, here's what I remember from my childhood: [1] [2] [3]
Most of the people in my local "Game Developers Meetup" are the same age as my kids.
I think, therefore I am. I think? - "George Carlin"
My Website: Indie Game Programming
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/indieprogram
My Book: http://amzn.com/1305076532
Nowadays I deadly fear of dying without accomplishing my goals, also fear that there is no afterlife I can watch savegame file of this universe.
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