
Potentual new concept

Started by September 10, 2015 03:07 PM
98 comments, last by TheComet 8 years, 10 months ago

for those who might be curious, here's the formula for parallel resistance. i learned this in 2nd year electronics shop in 10th grade in high school in 1978 - the same year i wrote a turn based clone of lunar lander for the IBM 360 mainframe in basic on a 1200 baud dumb terminal in computer class:

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


What is a relitive address?
Think of it as a starting address.
address 0.657444
contents ooo1ooo oo1o1oo o111111o o1ooooo1o
the contents defined the address.this is what makes it relitive.
Uses are
A. address(1) "distance"
+ address2) "angle of rotation
+ address(3) "angle of elevation
= relation(1) total potentual logic = "distance angle of rotation angle of elevation
1 and 2 = "distance angle of rotation"
1 and 3 = "distance angle of elevation Two clearly difference logics.
B BUSCUITS ingrediance 1 ingrediance 2
1 water 1 sugar yeast
2 baking powder 2 baking powder chilli
3 salt 3 flour salt
4 flour 4 corn mill egg
5 water
2,3,5 3 = 2,3,5,3
What logics does that tell me.
A 3 ingrediance needed in list 1 and 1 in list 2
B I need both lists to make BUSCUITS
C there is no specific order. ie: address- "water baking powder salt flour" is not equal to address- "baking powder flour water salt"
Is this a clue to thought,thinking,reasoning, ect??

This very much resembles "hashing". You take an object, and run it through some complicated math to get its hash, which is basically an integer of finite size. Same object always gives the same hash (for a given algorithm). Sometimes, two different objects have same hash, but this is rare (since they are distributed randomly in the space of all possible hashes)

Is your "address" the same as "hash"?



I would guess yes.

The exception being that the {order} is part of the process.

ie; abc is different than bac

This is due to the frequency,resistor,and angle are relevant to each other.

This makes it unique.


R=A=T=R=A=T and address +address = ((1/R)+(1/A)) = unique address.

As proof ??

List of T's and list of A's reproduce original content and order.

and the final T and final A does the same.{in theory}

By the time I looked all the spelling up,I'd be dead.LOL

Or you could use spell check.

But he lays his words out in such a pretty way. Got to get some credit for that.

My last post unless there are questions.

This is what I know and speculate.
It is simple enough.
r1=800 r2=96 r3=50 r4=12
{T} {D}
1/((1/800)+(1/96))=85.714286 {1/((1/800)+(1/96))}
{D} {T} {next T}
[1/ ((96*(1/800))+1)]*96=85.714286
1/((1/85.714286)+(1/50))=31.578947 {1/((1/800)+(1/96)+(1/50))}
[1/ ((50*(1/85.714286))+1)]*50=31.578947
1/((1/31.578947)+(1/12))=8.6956522 == effective r {1/((1/800)+(1/96)+(1/50)+(1/12))}
[1/ ((12*(1/31.578947))+1)]*12=8.6956522 == effective r
True or Faulse ?? ^^
[1/ ((96*(1/800))+1)]=0.892857 always a % of r.
ie, 96*0.892857 =T
So the % can relate to an angle. ie;A=atn(%)
Note: Nothing has changed except my logic. T=96*tan(A)
True or Faulse ?? ^^
What are my possable back tracking formula?
T=R*% vs R=T*(1/%)
T=R*tan(A) vs R=T*(1/tan(A))
last T=1/((1/tan(A))-1)*R vs last T= 1/((1/%)-1)*R
A=atn(T/R) vs %=T/R
True or Faulse ?? ^^
How do I back track the entire thing?
A=final A==35.928502
T=final T==0.892857
last T=1/((1/tan(A))-1)*R == 31.578947
last A= unk
last R= unk
back track ended.
True or Faulse ?? ^^
Wait I have last T so if I get last A I can continue back track
ie;last R=last T*(1/tan(last A))
'@@@@ A little abstract logic to pass last A
Frq of resonance = 1/(sqr(L*c)*(2*Pi))
if R is always an interiger and I tack (1/T) as the fraction I maintain R and T
if I create c with R and L with A and replace T with F then I can still back track int(R) ???
note: My focuse is on R so I care not that T is F
F=1/(sqr(L*c)*(2*Pi)) T=((1/R)+1/F))
last F=1/((1/tan(A))-1)*R
L= sqr((1/F)/(2*Pi))/c
last A=L*((2Pi)^2)
last R=last F*(1/tan(last A)) R=int(R)
note {in theory} there is an accumulated accuracy problem.
{in theory} I can back track.
True or Faulse ?? ^^
Due to the inter action of R,T,and F
R and A are unique so the sum of ((1/R)+(1/T)) is unique.
This is the relative address.
It doesn't have to be accurate,just unique to the input.
True or Faulse ?? ^^
if each address is unique then the total,gain,and loss of a group of addresses is unique.
note leave addresses as fractions.
such that; addr1+addr2+addr3==:total is fraction
ie; ((1/addr1)+(1/addr2)+(1/addr3))=total is fraction
The primary logic now is total=(gain+loss), gain=total-loss,and loss=total-gain.
total=addrT == P<0 and H>0
gain=addrG == P<0 H>0
loss=addrL == and
one possable redirect.
relitive redirect depended of the relation defined {ie function relation(,,,) }
total=addrT+addrT2 == P<0 and H>0 Quadrent2
gain=addrG == Quadrent2
loss=addrL == P<0 and H>0
think?? if T=val(word$(stream$,addrn) then print word$(target$,addrx)
The question is;
Is this a tool to deal with real logic, not formulated logic??
'I forgot to mention this part.
'This is an important part of the concept.
'and I don't know how to explain it.
'But it completes the relitive address.
'type common extention ==IconCd {relitive address}
'Relitive relations:{related by way of the functions} They are all relitive_Icons
'A File will not find a Label
'A File bmp will not find a File txt
'example--- Stream$="birds fly" ,Stream$="Tweety is a bird" ,Stream$="Tweety flies"
'Stream$="Tweety is a penguin"
'example--- Group$="Statement" Type$="Truth Truth Hypothasis False"
'example--- Group$="logic";"File" '"Label" Relitive_String is "logic0.xxxxx"
'example--- Type$="Code","bmp" '"txt" Relitive_String is "Code0.xxxxx.bmp"
print tab(4);"AddressStream";tab(38);"Address";tab(56);"Logic"
prompt "Logic Stream$";Respond$
if Respond$="" then [backtorespond0]
if Respond$="e" then end
prompt "Group"; Respond$
if Respond$="" then [backtorespond1]
if Respond$="e" then end
prompt "Type";Respond$
if Respond$="" then [backtorespond2]
if Respond$="e" then end
gosub [RelitiveCode]
print tab(38);RelitiveCode;tab(56);LogicStreamin$
goto [backtorespond0]
'print CoderCd(Stream$)
Function IconCd(Prefx$,Profx$,byref Stream$)
AddressStream$=Stream$:print tab(3);AddressStream$;
end function
Function CoderCd(byref Stream$)
for j=1 to Len(Stream$)
'print R\par
'print Pr\par
next j
end function
Tweety flies Stat1 true
Tweety is a bird Stat1 true
Tweety is a penquin Stat1 faulse
Tweety is not a penquin Stat1 true
flies stat2 hyp
AddressStream Address Logic
Stat1.23036312.true 1.94293624 Tweety flies
stat1.67359094.truth 1.88191062 Tweety is a bird
stat1.98701172.faulse 1.97451554 Tweety is a penquin
stat2.41767995.truth 1.87900211 Tweety is not a penquin
Parrell total=2.0847105177768540224003228826394
stat0.46000944.hyp 1.70362044 flies
Parrell total=2.6716957267592022266752140667343
I'm no math person,but something like this may be a good application of relitive addresses.
{Just a thought}
Default Logics
total-loss 1 total-loss gian 1
----------- / ---- = ---------- * ----- = --- = "Tweety flies is true"
gain gian gian 1 1
1/9.38198495-1/1.94293624 1
--------------------- / ----
1/1.70362044 1/1.70362044
I have the definite impression you are expressing something very simple in a very complicated way. That is the precise opposite of the skill you need to get an idea off the ground and discussed.

Thanks Aardvajk,

I have had better luck talking than writing.I had to try showing it to someone that might understand and know what to do with it.

I don't know anyone personally to talk about it to,so it's just me.

I just thought it may be something important over looked and wanted to bring attention to it.

Even if done badly, I gave you all a chance to look at it.

I truly hope it's something useful.If so someone will find it now.

I appreciate the tolerance shown to me from you all.

I'll be watching in case someone has comments or possibly questions.

I don't want to just rattle on,on here.

I thought it was someone trying to get someone else to do their homework, but it's actually junk - pardon my French.

Donnie, the only new 'potentual' here is for you to develop your skill as a programmer.

But you gotta clean up that messy code yourself.

Good luck.

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