I want to start developing a game and i have been doing some research these days to know how to start.
The base idea is to build a game with a Final Fantasy Tactics style (isometric, turn based), i love the simil-3d graphic with 2d sprites as characters (actually i rathered doing a full 3d world with 2d characters, like in Ragnarok online or its spiritual successor Tree of Savior which looks amazing to me, but I am aware it'd be too difficult difficult as a start) and i want to use html5 and javascript since it's a world i'm quite comfortable in.
So, I have been looking on the internet how to start developing such a game in javascript and i ended up discovering about the various game engines developed for the purpose of making html5 games and i don't know which one to chose.
At the moment i have tested two engines: JSIso http://jsiso.com/ and isogenic http://www.isogenicengine.com/ (By tested i mean i have downloaded them and ran the examples), i've also stumbled upon Project Goldscript http://www.projectgoldscript.com/ sadly the code is not available and the project has not been updated since months. I'm ok with buying a license, as long as it's not too much expensive (200 euros or so) and it's really worth buying it
- JSIso examples have almost exactly the look i'd like my game to have but i don't think it's ready for production, also it doesn't handle rotation well (i think it just translates tiles to make it look the map has been instantly rotated by 90° which leads to some problems, like you can see in this sample http://jsiso.com/jsiso-samples/public/Samples/sample1/ roads will not be rotated correctly). On top of that it hasn't been update since several months
- Isogenic examples are not really much elaborate so i couldn't really enjoy what the engine is capable of, but in general it didn't convince me much
What i am looking for is for a game engine that helps me in developing an isometric game but gives me good camera control (i'd like to let it rotate freely on the horizontal axis and have 3 settings on the vertical one), i think it might not be as simple as it sounds because it might need to be in a 3d world to be able to handle the camera in the way i like...ok sorry just speculating here, back on topic. It would be nice to also have a fake lighting system such as the one in JSIso, instead of having to develop one by myself, and i might need some freedom rather than restraints from the system
I want to add that while i'm a total beginner in game development i am an experienced programmer (although in my programmer life i have done almost exclusively web applications, ranging from simple PHP sites to enterprise applications, web services and so on) and i know javascript, PHP and Java (using frameworks such as Spring, Symfony, Hibernate and so on...) quite well. I also know a bit of event driven programming (mostly thanks to warcraft 3, which i made some maps for), so i'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty, though i'd rather not make anything from scratch (i don't want to reinvent the wheel).
So, i'd like to know which javascript game engine might be more suitable for me and the game i want to develop. Thanks in advance for your answers, any suggestion will be appreciated