I'm a hobbyist gamedev (I was proffensional for a while) at my full-time job I do things that involve developing and maintaining tools for computer graphics.
As a hobbyist I wrote myself a descent(I think) rendering framework (and few tools/libs around it that are needed for gamedev: collision, input ect.). And deep inside me I feel like, how do I say it.... that this rendering engine isn't needed. Sure there will be no fees, everything is under my control and for a good amount of cases (I still believe) that I don't needed an external engine. If this is true in the reality I really don't know...
So what the rendering framework has to do with this? One of the reasons why I wrote this engine is probably because I don't have a specific game mechanic that I want to implement. While I go to work (using the public transport services) I try to think of an idea for a game, and honestly I really can't come up with anything!? I have some minor things in my head and here they are :
- A mix between "Chips Challenge" and "The binding of Isaac". There you have to solve puzzles and fight a bit, but nothing specific.
- A 3rd person "boss fight game" like WoW PvE but for a single person. The idea is not to find the weak spot of the boss but rather to cooperate with the environment and manage cooldowns. For this I have bit more specific ideas.You might ask? Why single player? 2 reasons(that aren't enough) 1 I love single player campaigns. 2 I'm scared of networking.
Things that are "on my heart" (or I live with that thought) :
- For some reason I think I want to make a turn based strategy game. Maybe it's because I love the fantasy world, the art style and because my favorite game is HoMM3!
- Super Meatboy or Metal Slug remake.
Trough my whole life (especially as a kid) a never actually had an idea for a game. The ideas that I had were something like a new quest/faction/area/(or rarely an enemy) in a game.
The games that I've enjoyed : Heroes of Might and Magic 3, World of Warcraft(raiding), Fable, Chips Challenge, Neighbors form Hell 1&2(well the list is longer). And additionally Super Meatboy, The impossible game (I adore games with fast iterations).
Can you give me some suggestions on what should I do to "repair" my brain, and enable the "idea" part of it?
Is this thing happening to everyone?
Oh and one last thing. Currently this is a hobby project and I spend almost all my free time on this, but at some point I want focus my time and money on some game, and try to make a living with this.