
Two research papers being published as an undergraduate

Started by August 25, 2015 01:26 PM
5 comments, last by Luckless 9 years, 1 month ago
I am very proud of my self. I copy righted two research papers on a object library and virtual machine ( cmon they have interpretter but no vmachine it was obvious ). I discovered, yet everyone has coded them they are so obvious, two design patterns. I have them copy righted and am aiming to publish these papers. I am a undergraduate at DeVry and they are passing the papers around to different professors, even an english professor not sure why. I sent the papers around ASU/U of A/NAU/DeVry and they all love my papers. I hear is rear to be published as an undergraduate, yet it came so easily to me on this one they were obvious to even me. I started programming when I was 12 I am now 29 so thats 17 years. Am I rare to be published as a undergraduate. I might sound like I a boasting, as I am just proud of my self. When I get word back from my professor ill put one of the papera up here.
scrut, please post in appropriate forum. This is not a Coding Horrors topic. Moving to the Lounge.

-- Tom Sloper --


Damn didn't take long for him to get banned, not sure if it's related to this post but it's so painful to read his 4 liner here that i can't believe anyone would read a whole paper from him.

The account was banned because it is a duplicate or sockpuppet account, which are terminated on discovery.

Also trolling.

it's so painful to read his 4 liner here that i can't believe anyone would read a whole paper from him


I discovered, yet everyone has coded them they are so obvious, two design patterns can you "discover" something everyone has done?

For what it's worth I went to Devry as well, and they sent out a paper I wrote about .dll injection for circumventing antivirii in games for publishing. No idea if anyone picked it up, though.

Advertisement can you "discover" something everyone has done?

Everyone in the history of humanity was held down by gravity, and made use of it every day, but we went a shockingly long time without really noticing it was actually "a thing". So you can still discover something out of something which others are already working with, as the discovery also implies some form of new understanding.

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.

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