problem: the game's setting limits what there is to do in the world.
gametype: rpg.
setting: paleolithic (stone age)
realism: very high / flight simulator level.
quests: both hard coded and generated. all quests are optional.
so i'm working on the new version of caveman, which is a proven seller.
my problem is that the paleolithic setting tends to limit what you can do in the game. its especially a concern at high level.
1. original tabletop dungeons and dragons: at high level, you could build a castle, clear the countryside, attract settlers, charge taxes, raise an army, attack other settlements, even conquer the whole game world. the player and their party could even join the army in a battle. this added a number of cool things to the game: construction gameplay building custom castles, management gameplay running your "kingdom", plus strategic gameplay with the army battles.
2. skyrim: (this is sort of an anti-example) since elder scrolls arena was originally conceived as an arena combat game with D&D characters, it never included the rules from the second half of book 3 of the original D&D rules: castle construction etc. as a result, in skyrim all you can do is buy up every house and horse in the game, but that's it (talking vanilla here - no mods). you can't build your own castle, found a town, become jarl, or king/queen. you can defeat the dragons, the dragon cult, the vampires, be a thane of 9 holds, be the archmage and the harbinger of the companions, yet you're still relegated to the life of nothing more than a very rich private citizen.
in caveman, i'm worried about things to do when your're high level. the game models resource depletion - so there will be a continual need from time to time to explore and relocate to greener pastures. skills get rusty over time, so there will be a need to buff those up from time to time as well. at high level, you can make alliances with nearby bands and call on them to aid in attacking hostile bands. mini-games, althing type gatherings of many bands at once, and high level quests with high level monsters are also planned.
i've been looking for more things to do at high level, but am finding most of the usual tricks are really just contrived BS not suitable for a simulation game with an emphasis on realism.
1. loot at the top of mountains, under rocks, at the bottoms of lakes, etc as contrived unrealistic rewards for exploration.
2. BS fetch quests
so, in keeping with the "is it realistic for a paleolithic setting?" criteria, is there anything more i can add to do at high level?
paleo means no agriculture, and no domestication of animals - except dire wolf. and no magic, and no techno, and no gunpowder weapons. and no permanent settlements or structures. about the biggest thing they built back then was a teepee style hut.
the game is a proven seller. but in the previous version it also allowed domestication of any animal and custom shelter construction (a la the sims build mode). both of those have been removed as unrealistic.
a quest/campaign editor is also planned to create the hard coded quests/campaigns. it will be included with the game, allowing the player to create their own hard coded quests and campaigns.
any ideas / suggestions?