
The Zelda that I want... won't come.

Started by July 18, 2015 01:27 PM
11 comments, last by Khatharr 9 years, 3 months ago

Nintendo showed this to us years ago. And man, did I want it.



And somehow we got this..


And now, we're getting this..


But rumors are floating around that it won't be on Wii U but on NX.

Why? Why can't I get the Zelda that I want and not the Zelda Nintendo thinks I need?

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A question most of us have asked ourselves, I think smile.png

And actually I do find it a bit strange. According to numbers on the best selling Zelda game is Twilight Princess, wich is the game in the franchise that looks the most like the first picture you posted. However, I remberer reading an interview with Miyamoto, and he saying he preferred the more colourful, brighter look in Zelda games over the dark look in TP.

I must admit though, personally, I'm starting to agree with him.. I was very sceptical to toon Link when I first saw him, but after playing Wind Waker HD on the Wii U, and getting a bi tired of all the darky gloomy grittiness that has been going on in both video games and media the past years, I now like it.
I didn't like the look in Skyward Sword much, but I think the new game looks amazing in how they are combining the styles. It's all just personal preferences ofc. Twilight Princess is still amazing, and the trailer we saw before the Wii U came out still looks brilliant and I would love to see it as a full game.

Probably should have fact checked those sales numbers better, but oh well c:

Programmer of HolyPoly games.
It's likely the first zelda was simply too much for the wii U to work smoothly, also what the hell is up with that camera? honestly it's likely the entire thing was just a cgi showcase.
I don't consider the remake as something they were giving us. plus wind waker was awesome imo. Personally i think that e3 trailer looked pretty stunning(did they have anything at this years e3, i don't remember), they look to be trying to capture a more subtle cel-shading technique that imo looks pretty amazing. However i am worried when they say things like "you can even travel to those mountains out there", as i'm pretty sure i've heard that line used multiple times now, and it never lives up to what i want.
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The rumors state that there were hardware issues, so the game had to be "scaled back" .

I seriously wish Nintendo would dump the Wii U, and modernize their platform with something far more powerful and drop mandatory motion controls and include more 3rd party developers .

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The first video, while beautiful from a cinema perspective, would be terrible from a gameplay perspective.

It is visually dramatic to have limited views, tight shots, constantly cutting to where the newest action is or will be in moments.

If you were playing like that you'd not be able to see any new openings for you to attack, nor plan ahead to see what to dodge. It would be more like a QTE sequence, "button mash A" that many people like me despise. That isn't gameplay, that is buying a controller with a turbo button built in.

Even in the last video, a bullet-time view watching the hero manipulate a magic arrow may be exciting for a cut scene of the final blow, but that better not be the gameplay experience.

This gameplay is bad: Suddenly the game pauses and switches modes without warning. Instead of controlling the character's gross movement of running, jumping, dodging, and attacking, I'm now controlling their fine movement of a single finger twitch. The game has previously been about broad controls and strategic actions, and suddenly is a timing-critical twitch game. Twitch at the right moment to activate the magic arrow, otherwise you lose. No thank you!

Why? Why can't I get the Zelda that I want and not the Zelda Nintendo thinks I need?

Because absolutely nobody is beholden to make you the game you want. Developers' jobs aren't to satisfy every gamer's wishlist; it's to make the games that we want to make and to make fat sacks of cash in the process, and Nintendo is doing rather fantastically well on both regards.

If you want a more realistic, cinematic, and mature puzzle-action-adventure game, stop complaining about what Nintendo chooses to invest its own money and time and energy into and instead go spend years of your life and tens of millions of dollars making your own perfect game.

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!


Why? Why can't I get the Zelda that I want and not the Zelda Nintendo thinks I need?

Because absolutely nobody is beholden to make you the game you want. Developers' jobs aren't to satisfy every gamer's wishlist; it's to make the games that we want to make and to make fat sacks of cash in the process, and Nintendo is doing rather fantastically well on both regards.

If you want a more realistic, cinematic, and mature puzzle-action-adventure game, stop complaining about what Nintendo chooses to invest its own money and time and energy into and instead go spend years of your life and tens of millions of dollars making your own perfect game.

Umm. Thanks.

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The first video, while beautiful from a cinema perspective, would be terrible from a gameplay perspective.

It is visually dramatic to have limited views, tight shots, constantly cutting to where the newest action is or will be in moments.

If you were playing like that you'd not be able to see any new openings for you to attack, nor plan ahead to see what to dodge. It would be more like a QTE sequence, "button mash A" that many people like me despise. That isn't gameplay, that is buying a controller with a turbo button built in.

Even in the last video, a bullet-time view watching the hero manipulate a magic arrow may be exciting for a cut scene of the final blow, but that better not be the gameplay experience.

This gameplay is bad: Suddenly the game pauses and switches modes without warning. Instead of controlling the character's gross movement of running, jumping, dodging, and attacking, I'm now controlling their fine movement of a single finger twitch. The game has previously been about broad controls and strategic actions, and suddenly is a timing-critical twitch game. Twitch at the right moment to activate the magic arrow, otherwise you lose. No thank you!

Honestly, I can't imagine Zelda going for that type of camera. Or even making it QTE to support that camera. I'm sure we all can agree that the camera was just for demo purposes. But the graphics on that were just sweet. And that demo came out not too long after the Wii U came out. IIRC. Plus, I don't think there's many QTE events in a Zelda game. Then it's been forever since I've sat down and played through a whole game of Zelda.

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Why? Why can't I get the Zelda that I want and not the Zelda Nintendo thinks I need?

I've seen it said since the late 90s that "Gamers don't know what they want." Could be a few teams actually believe that.

I wonder if it has something to do with brand identity. In the NES and SNES days Zelda was a pretty dominant franchise, and a lot of games were categorized as Zelda clones for having similar art styles and gameplay. In the last couple of console generations a ton of games have had looks and gameplay like the first trailer, and even a really well done Zelda game might not distinguish itself too strongly. A Wind Waker-like Zelda, whatever other qualities it has, is distinctive.

I too like the darker style for Zelda-- they aren't lighthearted stories, and a more realistic style is a lot more immersive for me, which I find important. It's the atmosphere I imagined back when I played Link to the Past all the time. Wind Waker is too chibi for me and is one step above super deformed art. But I don't find it much worse than the limitations of the old 2D style, and my imagination is just as good as it used to be. As long as the gameplay delivers, I can endure the cartoons.


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