
Good Books for Beginners

Started by July 16, 2015 03:52 PM
1 comment, last by ronan.thibaudau 9 years, 3 months ago

So I was reading this thread: and out of curiosity did some Googling. I happen to come across this book: . It seems to have good reviews and is meant for someone who has never programmed, programmed in C#, and/or used Unity before.

So my first: has anyone read or used this book? Would you recommend it to pure beginners? Two, what other books for beginners would anyone here recommend.

Admittedly this is broad topic, but I figured I'd get the ball rolling on some discussion anyway.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


"Beginner" and "C++" always strikes me as a suboptimal combination. »shrug«


"Beginner" and "C++" always strikes me as a suboptimal combination. »shrug«

C++ appears nowhere in the OP's title and he explicitely mentions C#, i'm confused about where this is coming from.

As to the OP it depends on the kind of begginer, i would heavily recommand as it can be read from front to back and all the knowledge needed to read a given page is discussed before that page but it do is much of a reference book too and is quite big, so it's begginer friendly for a very serious and studious begginer.

I don't think there's any use in "Learning unity", you should learn C# first, then unity as a GUI and editing platform, there's nothing specific to unity code wise so i wouldn't mix Learning C# with Learning unity, i'd learn both separately.

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