
Achievements and Challenges for Mobile Rhythm Game

Started by July 15, 2015 04:36 AM
0 comments, last by The_Saddest_Walrus 9 years, 6 months ago

Hello all,

I'm developing a music game similar to guitar hero on mobile.

Due to the game being extremely linear, I'm finding it difficult to design level challenges and overall gameplay achievements.

Specifically, if I think of a challenge based on score, it ends up being redundant as it can overlap heavily with how well you score in the level. For example, if there was an challenge to score 90% of the notes, earning the challenge requires you to score high in the level and if it isn't earned then the score for the level is low - the challenge collapsed due to overlap.

Here is what I have so far:

Level Challenges:

Level 1:

1) Play with headphones plugged in

2) Play with muted audio

3) Land 5 notes perfectly in a row

Level 2:

1) Flip device 360 degrees in the air

2) Headbang to the beat using device

3) ?


Level 14:

1) ?

2) ?

3) ?


1) earn 10 challenges

2) complete first 5 levels

3) rate the game

4) purchase all clothing items

5) ???

I need more suggestions!



Just some thoughts:

Generally I think that having achievement tiers rather than level challenges is rewarding in this sort of game.
As a player, I'm more focused on hitting the right notes than the achievements, but it's kind of fun to earn achievements overall. Maybe like 3 achievement tiers, simple, moderate and hard?

I'm not sure how you would track the 360 degree spin, but that's a fun idea.
I think that the muted audio is a nice idea too.
In terms of your worry about challenge overlap, you could certainly incentive perfect scores, since there are few games where a perfect is required for anything other than bragging rights. Your "5 notes perfectly in a row" could also be expanded, since it's probably possible to pass levels while not necessarily having super long streaks.

If you have multiple speed difficulties, you could reward the completion of each
If you had enough time for art, you could have different color schemes and also reward people for collecting them all.

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