The mods are not here anymore? :D
The Week of Awesome III - The third annual unofficial competition! - Administration thread
"Don't gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver or gold." - Bob Marley
Okay Slicer, good to see you're still here :D
"Don't gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver or gold." - Bob Marley
I'm currently looking for a team. Pretty much fine with any language and platform. Feel free to PM me or send me an email at I also might have an artist friend who would be interested in helping.
We're in.
Team name: HGNT (Credits to me
for this name.)
Team members: newtechnology & IYP
Website: None for now
IYP is no longer in this and now the name of the team is Just NT.
Team name: NT
Team members: newtechnology
website: none for now
The date just happens to be the week between me getting out of work for the summer and starting my next school semester, so I'm definitely in!
Edit: I'm actually going to be leaving half way through the compo:( but I'm still entering!
Team of just me, site:
really excited about this opportunity to not fit in and be difficult and awkward,
sounds like fun, would love to participate. image attached to indicate that i can actually move my extremities. i can field win32 which is likely to run on win7, maybe even 8.
i don't use resources. there are no image or sound files in my apps. i'm a proceduralist :p frankly, i'm afraid that if i knew how to embed resources in apps, i'd do it, instead of using procedural methods :)
so, is it alright if i just have a screen that says the same words?
My journal:
Edit: Oooops just realized I had already put think link up before publishing the first post :S
I'm fairly new to the gamedev game and don't have anything completed under my belt, but if anyone is interested I'd like to join up with a team and contribute. I'm capable in C++, SDL, and Qt, and have some experience with Python. I'm also a graduate student and while I work a lot, my schedule is fairly flexible.
Team name: this team is just xoxos
Team members: xoxos
i anticipate that my eclectic practice would inhibit most manners of cooperation, ie. not using resources would obviate incompatibility with content production. :) otherwise i'd offer to work with people looking for projects.