
The Harvest: Color Correction Choice

Started by June 01, 2015 12:55 AM
5 comments, last by riuthamus 9 years, 4 months ago

I spent most of the day working on creating some color correction features. Yesterday we spent 8 hours on livestream working through the pigs animations, farmers animations, and some custom models for the barn. I wanted to see what your thoughts were on the different formats and see what best fits our game:







Do you have time of day / weather / seasons in your game? #1 make me feel like the weather is dry, and #2 makes me feel like it's a cold climate smile.png


There will be indeed time of day/weather/seasons. All of those will effect the climate. Right now the goal is the normal (not too hott not too cold) setup.

The impression I get from the image is that the first is indoor lighting and the second is outdoor lighting, both enhance the feeling of the game.

If however have to make a choice I would say that personally I like number 2 better.

The original fells more like natural daylight to me.

Looks great and I would prefer 01, because the game have a happy mood and should therefor utilize warm colors in my opinion.

Some ideas coming to mind which could improve the overall look beyond changing the color correction:

1. I would change the color composition of the base scene (before applying color correction) to a harmonic color pallet. You have a lot of colors in here now (red barn,green grass, yellowish ground, grey wall, blue sky ). Something from red-orange to yellow up to yellow-green, even for the sky.

2. Avoid grey, the walls in the background fill in a large portion of the scene, still it is background, therefor it should not be too prominent.

3. From a technical view I would avoid specular highlights (wall again). In my opinion a "dry, paper look" you can archive by using just pastel colors, AO and diffuse lighting is always a good start.


Asham, good comments as usual. Most of those things are not in place. I have done the UV work but not actually textured them. In fact, in this picture the only thing textured with final quality is the NPC's and the PC.

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