I started the idea here: http://www.gamedev.net/topic/659094-game-engine-that-will-meet-my-requirements/
After almost a year, I'm coming back, same ideas, but things have changed.
I started by learning C# and I did that for about 2 months, then, school began, and I had to learn C++ in school, though, with my already existing C# knowledge, the stuff I was given at school was so easy(after 1 year of study, my schoolmates barely got into bi-dimensional arrays), so I started going more in depth and because of that, I abandoned C#. Then, because my teachers noticed that I know a lot of stuff in programming,they helped me make my way to the National Olympiad in Informatics, here in Romania. Well,then I left aside C++ and started web design and I pretty much managed to learn everything useful in HTML, CSS and Javascript, and I also managed to make simple games with those(very simple ex: http://logicsquares.do.am/ , I'm still working on it in my free time).
So, those said, I still want to make my own game based on the ideas in my old topic, but I don't know where to start, would you guys give me some pointers?