
What would you do.

Started by May 15, 2015 10:24 AM
22 comments, last by thatguyfromthething 9 years, 3 months ago

I thought maybe retail would be fun.

The only people that think that are people that haven't worked in retail.

True words.

I thinl I should tell them to shove the job up there ass.

I think this was already covered above, but just to reiterate:

Why do you have that job? Why do you not have a different job?

Low-level retail work is usually a lot of menial labor. Most people who frequent game programming boards prefer intellectual labor.

Obviously you are expected to work while you are at work. It is not play time, it is not social time, it is not a time to goof off. While you are working it is work time, you are expected to be working. You are being paid to do a job that others do not want to do, or are unable to do, and to be working for the time you are paid. The work may be fun for you or not something you enjoy, but that is personal; you are still expected to work.

So why do you have the job? Did you accept it because no other work is available and you need money? Did you accept it because it is a stepping stone along your career? Did you accept it because your parents threatened to kick you out if you didn't find a job in a week and that was the only one you can find?

If you don't like that job, you can look for another job that fits you better. But no matter what job you get, it is still a job. When people come to me starry-eyed and say "Wow, you play games all day?!", the answer is "No, it is a job, I am expected to work every day. I don't play. I spend my time writing computer code and doing math, the end result is a game, but it is still a full-time job."

Wait the talk time was just 5 min with in 10 days off working here and every one else is having coffee and cake all the time and I only have a coffee before work not dueiing work.

I under stand work is for working I to follow that moto but to work effectively with others there need to be communication. Thats why the manager is throwing boxes over here shoulds like a child, because I told here why she move my boxes. the boxes are like 45kg and need to be put on a trolly to go out in the shop but all the trollys where full waiting to go out then she has the nerve to say I don't follow orders. I was bringing effiecy to the place so there is no double handling 45kg boxes.

I'm only working because my ass hurts from sitting at pc for 3 month(I now stand at PC). See I had a car crash and got a bulged neck disc 9 years ago. The bulged is inwards pressing on the Dura.

my normal part time work is gardens and that it gives me mind a rest from thinking all the time I found this helps with programming.

Dude a programmer homeless would be a threat to the whole world.

I spend my time writing computer code and doing math, the end result is a game, but it is still a full-time job."

I miss my job at RatBag games. That was a sad story, I only lost a job some lost there houses and all moved country and all.

Never had a better job since then, I think I did move to hell down here they all sux.


Just wait until you run into Frankenstein legacy programs that are so spaghettied no one knows how they work anymore !

Or you could do my job and be the guy headhunted to maintain the frankenstein as you're the only person in the country who knows how to develop and maintain it...

as you can see, so many people are willing to accept unreasonable conditions, which makes society a raw deal for people with integrity.

no whistling on a tuesday, govnor.

when i was in my 30s i had a tough spot and was offered a job at a movie theatre. one night, it's 15 minutes after closing time (in a world where people work on things that matter, working extra is okay, if it translates into real concern about real tasks, and not bullshit to exercise authority), and manager tells me to go help dude then i can split.

dude has to scrape the butter off the wall by some machine. no tool, he's doing it with his thumbnail. and there's a good hour of wallspace left.

scraping butter off the wall for no pay at midnight isn't fair work, it's bullying.

your boss coulda been like "stop talking" because he knew the dude wasn't growing hydro tomatos but seeing if you knew anything about weed bro. my advice, i'm already old and beyond help, is quit the hardware store and grow weed while americans are paying through the nose for it.

neither a follower nor a leader be

I miss my job at RatBag games. That was a sad story, I only lost a job some lost there houses and all moved country and all.
They went defunct a decade ago.

It stinks about the neck injury, but there are government disability programs if it truly is disabling, and if it isn't, there are many other companies who are quite willing to hire game developers provided they can do the job. If you are spending your time throwing boxes around at work, it doesn't seem like a neck injury is seriously disabling.

As nice as the city is, it is not a game development hub. Assuming you want to work in games rather than retail, consider moving to the Melbourne or Brisbane areas, both with many game studios.

I thought maybe retail would be fun.

The only people that think that are people that haven't worked in retail.

I disagree. I worked at Walmart and at a Kroger grocery store and thought they were both fun. I would still be happily working at either place. Reason I left was that I got let go from Walmart after my shift supervisor told me to ignore the supervisor from next shift because he wasn't my boss, so when that supervisor told me to move a palette I went home and left it, came in the next night to be terminated for not listening to management. Grocery store had two girls that expected me to do their work so they could leave early, when I didn't they called management saying I was making them fall behind which got me in trouble. Went to my first break of the shift and never came back. Been focusing on my love of game development and video games since.

The people that who don't think it is fun aren't cut out for retail. Same way that those who find game development boring likely aren't cut out for game development. The fun is also subjective to the person, as the labor was difficult, but the fun (for me) came from helping the customers all day.


What would I do?

I would probably shut up and work.

New employees are always given all the jobs that nobody else wants to do. That's normal.

You would do the exact same thing to the next new guy.

It is not unreasonable to expect you to work, and not engage in social conversation or check your phone etc during work hours. Your employer is not providing you a service, it is the other way around: you are being paid to work.

The employer expects that you are able and willing to change shifts whenever it is necessary.

You are providing a service to the employer. And if the service is not good enough, they should (and will!) change service provider (by firing you and hiring somebody else).

It is not shitty and unreasonable at all. smile.png


Also, a new guy is usually being tested.

If your attitude is good, and you can handle yourself and the job, then you can expect to have a smoother ride.

Not only your employer, but also your workmates, are testing you. Nobody wants a coworker that they cannot trust.


Too many projects; too much time

The people that[sic] don't think it is fun aren't cut out for retail.

#1: “The people who…”. Never use “that” when referring to people.

#2: Call me happily unsuitable for retail.

As for the topic, when I don’t like a job, I simply don’t do it.

I work to live, not live to work. When I had to get a part-time job, I made sure it was something with animals etc. (I led the dogs onto the track at a greyhound park for 4 years).

With the number of job options a person has, there is no reason to get stuck in a job you hate. When you think about what jobs you can get, you are probably thinking along the lines of the typical retail/hardware/something-related-to-computers jobs.

If you think outside the box you can find a fun job rather easily. In my case it was at a dog track. I would have also worked at the zoo, or as a dolphin trainer, or at an aquarium, etc.

I wish there were animal shelters in Tokyo because I’d love to volunteer at one…

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

New employees are always given all the jobs that nobody else wants to do. That's normal.

You would do the exact same thing to the next new guy.

Never have and never will you see I'm a true leader not some one who just likes to boss people.

No Not me throwing boxes. Bad manager throwing boxes that bounce back and hit here lol and I did lol to. Me I don't want to lift boxes from one place then the other for no reason that is act of war to me, that tells me the other just wants to harm me because they think they can.(I never did more them).

Monday today I asked the main manager if I can change my monday and friday start time to 9.30 from 9 so it dosent clash with me pet job I like.

Which he new I had before startting. I told them at the start my first job finnishes at 9.00 it on the other side of town. Now he's going to ask the other guy who had my shift in the first place before I started. Any how The customers love the way I serve them and advice see before programming I was a metal fabricator for 20 years. good skill to have.

and yes RatBags has been gone for over 15 years or more( I still have there business card in mint condition oh theres a phone number on the back)....only worked there for 3 month still the best job I have had in my life.

I'm going to hang in there for a while could all be growing pains on all partys involved. And because playing quicky mart owner is fun hehehe.

Sounds like your boss is one of those strict anal-retentive types who isn't "cool" or down-to-earth. Possibly Don Badman himself!

Now I'm no capitalist, nor am I no stinkin communist, but I think you need to find a circle of friends who can get you jobs with more friendly, more human and lenient employers. It's retail, but it seems to me he sees you as some object rather than a human being. It's like working for Ebeneezer scrooge, vs. a down-to-earth guy who understands and relates to human needs. He needs you more than you need him. I don't think he made any connection with you, and views you as a lesser being. He wouldn't treat one of his "guys" like that.

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