creating a "Worms" like world
Like many others i stumbled upon this blog searching for answers to how to start my path as a game developer.
Im a complete newbie, I only have basic understanding of programing (mainly java). The purpouse of this thread is for me to set some courses towards relevant topics.
The game I plan is of a platform type, and my first goal is to create the world with the following mechanics-
Interactive environment
Focused camera
Dynamic lightning
Fully destructible world (everything is build of material, every material has its own qualities)
Dynamic water)
My vision of a fully destructible world is similiar to the worms series one.
What should i seek to learn? What are the most efective tools and methods to do so?
off topic, I want to create 3d animations and port them into sprites, is it possible?
Sorry for broken english :p
Contact them, I did the same when I was looking for inf. about cell shaded game and found a list of cell-shaded games with their developers and I've sent them all an e-mail..
Yeah that was like 4 days ago and I'm still waiting for a response, but at least Team 17 has a phone number.
Good luck!
Yeah if you cant win you can call em up.
S T O P C R I M E !
Visual Pro 2005 C++ DX9 Cubase VST 3.70 Working on : LevelContainer class & LevelEditor
These are all basic questions which have been answered before, so I wouldn't suggest calling/reaching out to the devs.
Contact them, I did the same when I was looking for inf. about cell shaded game and found a list of cell-shaded games with their developers and I've sent them all an e-mail..
Yeah that was like 4 days ago and I'm still waiting for a response, but at least Team 17 has a phone number.
Good luck!
LOL! How does my reply get negative votes! Ya'll must be trippin' or something!
The guy wants to work on a "Worms" like word, I gave hem the contact details of the people who are responsible for making Worms.. how better could it be?
I did the same too, with other developers.. I sent them a e-mail and unfortunately I'm still waiting for a reply but at leas Team 17 has a phone number.
Anyway Batman, contact them.. maybe there is someone who is willing to school you a little bit about everything you need to know.
-6??? Next time someone wants to know how to make Big Macs I'll send him to Burger King instead of MacDonalds.. ya'll trippin'!
He asked for pretty basic information, or relevant tutorials, and you gave him a corporate phone line. Developers won't respond to a "So, how did you do that?" Unless (maybe) if you show you've invested large ammounts of effort trying to replicate what they've done. What the OP is asking for is resources to teach him where to invest that effort.
Interactive environment
Focused camera
Dynamic lightning
Fully destructible world (everything is build of material, every material has its own qualities)
Dynamic water)
Many of these features are part of the Unity game engine.
For scripts in Unity you can use c# which has similar syntax to Java.
Read/watch some unity tutorials and start small before you start your "big project".
If you want to make a 2d side scroller with a worms like destructable terrain, start there and forget everything else.
Choose whether you want to render the destructable terrain in pixel 2d, pixel 3d, or mesh 3d and go from there. (original worms was pixel 2d) In the latter cases, probably start with unity.
LOL! How does my reply get negative votes! Ya'll must be trippin' or something!
The guy wants to work on a "Worms" like word, I gave hem the contact details of the people who are responsible for making Worms.. how better could it be?
If you hover your mouse over the down-vote button you'll see a pop-up text saying "this response is not useful and does not improve the conversation".
Sorry -- I understand that you were trying to be helpful and probably genuinely think you were giving good advice -- but your advice simply wasn't good. Your response was not useful, and did not improve the conversation.
The contact page you provided is for customers to contact Team 17 for product support, for press to contact them about interviews, etc., not to developers. If it did manage to reach a developer -- very unlikely -- they're busy people who don't have a lot of time to answer every beginner question they receive, so there's a fairly low chance that you would get a response.
Again, sorry for the down-votes when you were trying to be helpful, but your answer just genuinely isn't a good one. Does that make sense?
- Jason Astle-Adams
off topic, I want to create 3d animations and port them into sprites, is it possible?
Absolutely. This tutorial shows how to do so with a particular software package -- if you search for similar tutorials with your favourite graphics packages you'll likely find similar guides.
Im a complete newbie, I only have basic understanding of programing (mainly java).
The sort of game you're describing isn't particularly basic -- you should probably start with some smaller games and work your way up so that you don't "get in over your head".
- Jason Astle-Adams