
Art Conundrum

Started by April 30, 2015 04:31 PM
-1 comments, last by Shane C 9 years, 5 months ago
I want to make a game similar to this one I made:

The concept doesn't lend itself to multi thousand polygon models.

That being said, I am going to make this new game using Codea and the iPad. To make a long story short, because it's on iPad and getting a good .obj on iPad is really difficult, I am pretty much stuck with basic shapes for 3D. But I can use textures and shaders if necessary. Then there's always lighting and shadows.

The pictured game was in 2D. The second approach would be to make this game in 2D using some of the very art assets I already own a license to. However, these assets are in .zip folders and stuff and to make a long story short, to extract them to iPad I need a Windows device of any kind, costing me $89 for a handheld HP Stream with Windows to get the work done at the cheapest.

I feel that 3D in a 2D world would be less restricting than using sprites. At the same time, I still want the game to look good and I have less experience making something look good with basic shapes, than I do using 2D sprites for a game.

The game in question is one involving balls of light. Enemies can be my choice of shockwaves or spaceships, which might not be so possible in 3D on the iPad, or other balls of light, which to me seems a bit too simple but can be done.

I will probably use 3D just because I don't want to spend an extra $89 for that HP stream, but I can be swayed, most likely.


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