
Learning programming well

Started by April 27, 2015 08:03 PM
22 comments, last by alh420 9 years, 7 months ago

Ok... that was much... thanks to all^^

As long as you are programming you are doing it right.

If I dont know how to code, I cant code. If I just know the basics, I need a source for new words and so... where should i know all things?

And the first time I programmed (I was about 9) I created programms with tons of code, because I didnt even know there are methods, I just copied all the code. And I have to learn Java at school and I notice, there is so much what makes programming easier, maybe sometimes more difficult, but better. Where can I learn new commands? For example something, that was very usefull I found by random while programming with VB:

            Select Case x
                Case 1
                    "Do A"
                Case 2
                    "Do B" 
                Case 3
                    "Do C"

I didnt know that once, and I used if...then...else with more than 15 options...

If I just code and code and code I cant really learn new commands?! Why should I think of using a select case command if I know if then else?

I start now with a book I borrowed at our local online libary... With a book - I think - I can get nice basics.

First of all - if you want to get really good at programming, start with sticking to just one language.

If you already know some Java, then continue with using Java.

When you know this first language very well it will also be easier to learn other languages later, since they usually have a lot in common.

You are young and have a whole life to learn. So you don't have to learn both new engines, programming and modelling at the same time.

I also agree with what L. Spiro writes. You get good by doing.

Also it is very useful to have an idea about how engines work if you want to use them well.

This is why it is also a good idea to do games with out big engines at first.

Start with small isolated problems.

Maybe inspired by the larger projects you dream about doing, but start with very small subproblems.

If you are struggling with getting idea, you can also start with trying to recreate something you know.

Pong is a good start. Other simple old retro games are also good beginner projects.

Whatever you choose remember to start small and do it one step at the time.

It can also be good to explore different ways to solve a problem.

And then compare the solutions to getter understanding of what really work.

Colding-J Developer Blog (games, apps and other ideas)



i was not study formally at a game college, just an IT app.worker for company.
now, i am also learning game development, and this is my 2nd & half years (but still not selling from this, yet biggrin.png ).

start from 1 year ago, i try focus my study from 2 of game-programming ebook(Dawson's or Mitchell's).
thanks to the authors, for their kindness to share.

a game-programming book, sometime used 1/2 or 2/3 finished work(of a game) for their tutorial, build from chapter 1 until the last.
after i finish read, all chapter, i really don't have idea about what to be created first, at that time.
as starting point, i possibly do:
* create my own basic code struct, based on what i learned from the book.
* or, fix some mechanism to my own style (whatever things as you think proper/understandable for you, and should you have fun about it)

* use the game idea from the book, to create other similiar game, but of my own wish, my style.. cool.png

by learn from other people which already experience in development until publish a game (big game, or mini game),
actually we speed-up ourself to be a game developer (artist, or programmer, or music composer, or maybe script/story writer, etc),

which is a person whose active in a game development.

-Do I need a game engine and wich is a good one for not just learning for wasting time?
** you can use anything tools, that easy for you to learn, and you like it. if don't, try to find any else.
i use c++, some peoples use c#, java, phyton, unity, etc.
perhaps not stick to long in finding the tool, since every time, every year, there are new tools coming, never end..
try focus on create & finish the game, not the tools.

except you're already start work at game studio with their operational standard tools, then maybe you will have to mastered it.

start your work by list your idea, features(simple and possible), goals, then start to code.
try-try hard to finish your work no matter how long it would take. always test, you're the first gamer to taste.
by doing that, you are experiencing a game development smile.png

** if you choose to use 3D tools.
i'm not a grap.designer, honestly i find it difficult..
but still, very possible to learn. not easy, but once you know the basic, you'll (automatically) be dragged-in to

explore more to achieve your idea. so, find the specific book.
to learn, is one of the valuable parts of a work.

-How do I learn a programming language well? With a book? Internet tutorials? And is a big book "enough"? I think there is much experience I need too, but I dont think a book is enough, but there is mostly just one book, and how should I know, what book to use next, for a good connection to my knowledge I got from the other book?
** one book at a time, then create a thing or two.
implement it, taste it.. finally, ask other(your friend) to play, test it, is that tasty ? biggrin.png

** right after you implement a game, from your study from a book,

possibly you will notice how much you've grown, what is your strength point, and where is your most passion of game dev. focus area.

which is, that will lead you for another learning path essential to you. have to walk it, experienced it.

the other part of the development, of course, are to fixing or put some add-on (features, stage, objects, movement, etc).
development will never stop, even continue at the other next project/game.

so, based on your study from others, start craft your own method,

in purpose to create your own game, your style, and then let other people to taste it.. cool.png

I didnt know that once, and I used if...then...else with more than 15 options...
If I just code and code and code I cant really learn new commands?! Why should I think of using a select case command if I know if then else?

Don't worry about it :)

No-one knows everything, and you are just starting out.

Write code, get stuck, look for solutions, read others code, write some more code, throw everything away and start from scratch because the code sucked, write more code, ,google, write code, read a book, write code, read on forums, write more code, and then write some code.

Its the normal way of programming.

Before you know it, you know everything you need to know.

Thanks to all of you^^ I read everything and I think I think to much about everything ^^

Programming is really the best and joyful activity which every web developer like to do. The main thing is raising an interest to know more advanced in technology. You can become a good programmer if and only if you eager to learn new technology and update yourself with programming language. You can read books as well as you can read pdf online and get ideas regarding programming.


It's cool you want to learn how to make games, i recommend you watch this video as it shows an expert making game for client. Hope this helps.

Ogg converter (theora - video, vorbis - audio)

for Net framework.

I want to write sound engine!

What the hell.

Start your own topic.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

You are 15. You learn very easily as your brain continues to develop until you are 25.

You are cold sir. :D but motivating at the same time. :D

But wait WHAT?! until 25? Oh no. Im already 26 and just started game dev. Do I have a chance for this field?

Im really curious where did you find that fact. I like to read that. Can you give me the link? TY

Im really curious where did you find that fact.

Not my only source, just the first one that came up when spending half a minute to check it.
It was only briefly mentioned in that video but was fully explained in another.

Do I have a chance for this field?

Yes, but it will be significantly harder for you than for someone who started younger.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

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