Anyway, most plants like shrubbery and such in games are still billboards. Flat planes of 2 tris that always face the camera.
Flat quads, yes, but billboards ? The disadvantage of billboards is, that they change the direction of the quads when moving and this gets clearly visible.
If you want to know how the pros do it, have a look at speedTree
Speedtree is good, but it isn't freeware...
Now that I think of it, yes, many games seem to have exchanged the billboards for either just doublesided quads, or for mesh constructs combinining 2 or more doublesided quads into a cross-type structure (if viewed from above).... this also gives more depth without the problem described by Ashaman....
About billboards being cleraly visible... depends on the cam. In a First Player camera view, where the cam only rotates around itself as anchor, you shouldn't notice. You will get less variety, as the usual quads without billboarding will have some variation on size and maybe shading if they are lit thanks to being fixed orientation. But you shouldn't notice the billboards re-orientation, at least not by much.
In Third Person views, where the cam rotates around a different anchor, the effect can become noticable, as now the camera can "turn around a tree" for example (not possible with the usual First Person cam).
Speedtree might not be freeware, but last I looked they had a lot of promo material and tutorials out there on how their trees and plants where structured... that might give the OP an idea how he can implement it.
And SpeedTree starts to come bundled with free engines (like Unity)... AFAIK the Tree Modeller still costs something, but there is an Indie version.