Over here in Argentina residential connections aren't capped at all (which saddens me how in the US that seems to be common). The only issue is the transfer speed, but I found out that it isn't hard throttling but literally the ISP servers being exhausted (since I have managed many times to go over the advertised limit). Also there's the catch that many times the server on the other end will cap you anyway, so in practice to make full use of the bandwidth you'd have to open multiple connections instead.
Mobile is a whole different issue. You spend in four days the amount of money you'd pay per month for a residential connection (or even as fast as two, depending on the situation). Yikes. But there are fixed rate data plans which are more expensive than the normal ones but give you much more generous caps (or none altogether), so that's something I guess.
netflix in max quality is bursting to 100MB/s
That's 838Gbps!? Do you have a 1Gbps connection?
How the heck did you get over 8500 bits per byte? o_O
Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.