I been developing a simple car physics system (for learning purposes) in Unity flowing the famous Marco Monster tutorial about Car Physics
http://www.asawicki.info/Mirror/Car%20Physics%20for%20Games/Car%20Physics%20for%20Games.html however I am getting really confused about how compute the wheel's traction force, I simple cant get (understand) enough from the tutorial to compute it, so I really appreciate if you could give me some advice or point to some tutorials about it.
Here is part of my code to compute up to drive torque:
// My gear ratios (unity AnimationCurve)
var gearRatio = _gearRatiosCurve.Evaluate(_currentGear);
// wheel rpm (for now I am just using the easy way) to get my project running...
var wheelRpm = (speed / rearLeftWheel.radius) * 60.0f / (2.0f * Mathf.PI);
var engineRpm = MinEngineRpm + wheelRpm * gearRatio * _differentialRatio;
var engineTorque = _torqueCurve.Evaluate(engineRpm) * _throttle;
var driveTorque = engineTorque * gearRatio * _differentialRatio * _transmissionEfficiency;
// At this point, I need compute the traction torques from both wheels so I can get the total torque on wheel...
Worth not that I am not trying to do a full simulation, so simpler (arcade like) formulas should work for my project.
Thanks in advance!