I've been reading many posts here relating to what I am thinking of doing and finding good information, but I'm still stuck on how to bring up a discussion with a a possible partner, and how to move forward with contracts, amicable IP protection and long term reward.
A little back story: the person I intend to bring on is a friend and past work colleague that I have personally worked on critical projects with. I am very comfortable with his abilities, communication, reliability, etc. In our past working experience, he was the one in a nice coding gig, and I entered the scene later with his help and recommendation from other leaders. We worked together several years, then he moved on and I took ownership of the project. During our time together we worked with web technologies, all things database, server administration (including fail-over, disaster recovery, replication etc.). We where two guys handling a critical system and we worked well together.
Skip ahead several years later: We now both have moved on and are in entirely different lines of work, but we've both still pursued our programming interests with hobby projects and side work, and still remain casual friends that can count on each other when one needs help.
By myself, I am developing an MMO browser game. Aside from the code I have completed, I've created a considerable amount of design documentation covering everything I can think of, along with monetization strategy over the past year while coding the initial framework. So I have a good reference to what I am up against and how I could split tasks and delegate as/if developers come aboard.
As one could imagine, I have a serious personal interest in this endeavor, and I want to protect 100% interest until such time as another person has contributed enough or has influenced enough change that is no longer 100% my interest, then proceed accordingly.
Getting back to this friend and possible future colleague: We talk every couple of months, and I've told him quite a bit about my project in the last few months. He has a genuine interest and really wants to get involved. I am all for that; I probably couldn't ask for a better partner, if a partner is what I want. It is understood that there is no compensation until the project actually generates money, if it ever does.
TL;DR I don't want my work pulled out form under me and forked over to something different but similar, without at least some ability to fight for it. I also intend to keep a principal roll so that I can oversee the general direction of the project.
NDAs, collaboration agreements, non-disclosures and the like. The only problem with these documents is that the friend has a lawyer as a very close relative. So these documents would be prepared by said relative, and most likely lean towards my friend's favor. Using any other lawyer would certainly plant some sour seeds.
My second concern involves a recent conversation where my friend suggested "I give him a copy of the code so he can try to break it". I know where this comes from; I'm using some different tools to develop this game which he hasn't used muchof and needs to get up to speed. I just don't want any copies of my code outside of the controlled location. Period. With agreements stating such, and all change log and commit rules followed. To me, this isn't a casual affair. I would prefer meeting, discussion, going over the code in person and delegating some items for him to work on until speed is reached.
I'm concerned that if things aren't discussed and setup correctly, I might risk losing my invested work, or more importantly, a friendship. I know most of the code I have written so far isn't worth a salt aside from some game specific things, as something similar most likely has been done already several times over. My documentation on the other hand is a bit more precious, since it lays out scope, features, business plan, areas of concern, problem mitigation, technologies to use, etc, etc.
I'm looking for ideas to proceed, or decide if I should just leave my friend out and contract unrelated folks from time-to-time as the need arises. Other people I've brought this up to, who aren't necessarily business minded or as selfish as I am, think I'm nuts and should just open everything up on a friendly basis. The person in question is generally kind hearted, but I feel with effort invested over a long period of time, some amount of foundation should be built at the beginning that guarantees everyone is treated well, and no one gets screwed in the event that money entered the picture.
Edit: Spelling.