
Music portfolio feedback

Started by January 31, 2015 01:07 PM
2 comments, last by BravadoWaffler 9 years, 11 months ago


Do you think that soundcloud profile is a good idea to work as a portfolio? I'm not sure if numbers like "60 views" or "1 like" are good

What you think?

I have a friend who composes professionally, and he uses soundcloud as at least one form of demo reel, because it lets him throw together a few tracks into a playlist for a pitch. I always direct people to my soundcloud page if they want to hear the kind of stuff I do, and my personal website uses the soundcloud app as its player.

That said, I have yet to land my first big-time paying job. So, maybe I'm not the person to ask.


I host a lot of my demo work on SoundCloud. The number of views doesn't matter much, you won't find much work passively. Just like any other business you'll need to actively find work and when they ask for you demo, you can link them to your SoundCloud page.

Soundcloud is a great place for putting a portfolio of your work because it's very accessible too. It has great responsive phone UI and loads pretty quick even when embedded in a page. You don't have to worry that some custom flash player of your samples you put on your website won't come up on somebody's iPhone or some off-brand phone. Soundcloud is very smart about that. I would imagine if you were shopping for a composer and got 3 sites, and 2 sites didn't even load up on your phone, you'd already be leaning toward the third guy just because he made things easy for you.

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