We all make software intended for other people to run, be them games or otherwise, which means we all need to deal with the existence of minimum specs, and bending our software to actually run on a machine that your audience actually has. I personally always find that there is a large asymmetry among what system resources I actually need from my target audience.
So, lets be a little silly, and imagine a world where everyone has the computers they have now, except for one rediculously over-provisioned component. What component would you prefer your audience have (and thus, which resource is it that you feel most constrained by)?
1- Super CPU: Per-core performance of about 5x that of a current brand new intel haswell, and 64 cores, that run on zero energy.
2- Super GPU: A stock GPU, except ~32 GB on-board memory, and enough shader cores to give it about 100 petaflops of compute ability, with proportionally scaled memory bandwidth, and zero energy consumption. Note, the PCIe link remains the same, thus it still costs you to fill the on-board memory.
3- Super Memory: 64 Terabytes of main memory, with access timing specs similar to that of a high-rated DDR4.
4- Super HD: 25 petabyte HD space, with bandwidth and access characteristics similar to what you'd expect out of a 2-wide raid of modern SSDs [~6 GB/s]
5- Super internet: 100 MB/s client-side internet connection for everyone, and 100 GB/s server side bandwidth, with 10ms stable round trip latency at all times.
Everything else stays within the current averages. What would most benefit your software writing process and why? Note that this isn't "what would you like for yourself", but what constraint troubles you most when deploying software.
Personally, I'd totally take "Super Memory" for everyone, as that's definitely the most troublesome barrier I tend to hit first, followed by "Super CPU". A lot of the corners I end up cutting in my work circulate around bounding searchs, and limiting preloading of stuff. Infinite main memory would definitely simplify things.