So, I've been working on a 2D side-scrolling platform game and I'm a little unsatisfied with the way I handle jumping characters. Currently, jumping is essentially just adding a given amount to the Y-component of velocity. The problem is that this method only affects the jumping character, without applying a force in the opposite direction. I'd like jumping to behave a little more realistically, such that, a character standing on a see-saw (assume he/she is on the end lifted off of the ground), for example, would jump less far because the force applied would push the see-saw toward the ground in addition to propelling the character upward.
I'm not sure if that made any sense. I hope it did.
So, I was watching David Rosen's talk on animation and got an idea: using two circles to represent the character, stacked vertically but overlapping (similar to what is seen at about 4 minutes in that video I linked to), and applying a downward force on the bottom circle (assuming the circles are attached by a sort of spring) should, hypothetically create the scenario that I'm looking for.
So, I'm planning on prototyping this method in the next few days, but I was wondering if I'm over-thinking this. Is there a simpler way of handling this situation? Is there a better way of handling this problem? Have you done anything like this?