Hi guys!
I wanted to start my own 3D game now.
I'm using Java with LWJGL(3) and I only worked a bit with LWJGL2 before.
I'm wondering on how to manage my Rendering process.
It'll be an adventure/RPG game, with separate maps (like Final Fantasy for example)
In the past, I worked on small 2D games and Objects rendered themselves like this:
public class Enemy extends GameObject
double x,y;
public void render()
//Decision of Rendering is here
// rendering ENemy Sprite here
public void update(double delta)
//AI goes here
But I'm often reading that this is a bad process.
Can someone explain why and how it should be done?
I often read of a RenderManager, even though I have no idea on how to organize my classes then(where are the dependencies?)
It'd be nice if you could help me with my concern.