My inspiration for my server queries and question is my love for poker.
So let me start by saying that I'm currently developing a local poker system on my machine.
Right now I have the basic's down, generating hands, being able to determine best hands e.t.c.
This is all in PHP.
What I have started to question is, although I want just a basic system that can simulate a game between 2 players (That would be my machine on 2 different tabs).
I want to understand how to develop a server system for this.
My current "idea" of how this all would work, would be:
A "sever" is hosting a current table, waiting for players to join.
Two players join, currency is taken from their "bank" and the server now knows that the table is full and should begin a game.
Things happen in the server such as dishing out cards, allowing players to bet/check/fold e.t.c
At the end of a round one (or more) of the players accrue chips and then the process resets until all but one player remains.
I'm not really sure how I would go about processing server commands on a local system or how players would interact.
But I'm just looking for some guidance to get me on the right track.
I know I'm not asking for anything easy, but any knowledge would be very helpful right now.
Thank you, for taking time to read this and hopefully help me! :)