Hi all,
I am trying to implement a particle based fluid simulation in unity3d, implemented in this paper (http://www.csc.kth.se/utbildning/kth/kurser/DD143X/dkand13/Group10Pawel/report/DanielM_report.pdf)
The paper has everything written is pseudocode (although, seems as though there are one or two errors)
I tried today to get it working, and it is very iratic and basically doesnt work at all.
As a note,My implementation uses the Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll to find the neighboring particles instead of the grid system
I have attached my two scripts, one particle manager with everything and then the particle object, also I made this over the last couple hours and it is VERY messy coding
If anyone here could take a look and point towards my errors i would really appreciate it, I also have no real clue on what values to use for the different constants.
Particle Manager
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ParticleManager : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject particlePrefab;
public float radius =1; // Maximum distance particles affect each other
public float collisionRadius; // Distance from a wall tat counts collision
public float p0=1; // rest density
public float viscosityLinear=1;
public float viscosityQuadratic=1;
public float k=0.5f;
public float k_near=0.5f;
public Vector2 gravity;
public List<Particle> particles;
public List<List<Particle>> neighbors;
int currentIndex=0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
gravity = Physics2D.gravity;
particles = new List<Particle>();
neighbors = new List<List<Particle>>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire1"))
var mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
mousePos.z = 10;
var objectPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos);
GameObject newP = Instantiate(particlePrefab,
Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
Particle n = newP.GetComponent<Particle>();
n.index = currentIndex;
neighbors.Add(new List<Particle>());
void ApplyExternalForce()
foreach( Particle p in particles)
p.vel = p.vel + gravity*Time.deltaTime;
p.vel = p.vel+p.externalForce;
void ApplyViscosity()
foreach( Particle p in particles)
int index = p.index;
foreach (Particle n in neighbors[index])
Vector2 v_pn = n.gameObject.transform.position-
float vel_inward = Vector2.Dot(p.vel - n.vel,v_pn);
float length = v_pn.magnitude;
vel_inward = vel_inward/length;
v_pn = v_pn/length;
float q = length/radius;
Vector2 I = 0.5f*Time.deltaTime*(1-q)
p.vel = p.vel - I;
void AdvanceParticles()
foreach(Particle p in particles)
p.previousPosition = p.Pos;
p.Pos =p.Pos + p.vel*Time.deltaTime;
void UpdateNeighbors()
foreach(Particle p in particles)
Collider2D[] particleColliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(p.gameObject.transform.position,radius,1<<LayerMask.NameToLayer("Particle"));
foreach(Collider2D c in particleColliders)
void DoubleDensityRelaxation()
foreach(Particle i in particles)
float p =0;
float p_near = 0;
foreach(Particle n in neighbors[i.index])
float tempn = (i.Pos - n.Pos).magnitude;
float q = tempn/radius;
p = p+ Mathf.Pow(1-q,2);
p_near = p_near+ Mathf.Pow(1-q,3);
float P = k*(p-p0);
float Pnear = k_near*p_near;
Vector2 delta=Vector2.zero;
foreach(Particle n in neighbors[i.index])
float tempn = (i.Pos - n.Pos).magnitude;
float q = tempn/radius;
Vector2 v_pn = (i.Pos-n.Pos)/tempn;
Vector2 D = 0.5f*Mathf.Pow(Time.deltaTime,2)
*(P*(1-q) + Pnear*Mathf.Pow(1-q,2))*v_pn;
n.Pos = n.Pos+D;
delta = delta - D;
i.Pos = i.Pos +delta;
void UpdateVelocity()
foreach(Particle p in particles)
p.vel = (p.Pos - p.previousPosition)/Time.deltaTime;
public float collisionSoftness = 0.4f;
void worldCollision()
foreach(Particle p in particles)
float dist = -1*(p.Pos.y + 4);
if(p.Pos.y <-4)
p.Pos=p.Pos + collisionSoftness*dist*Vector2.up;
if(p.Pos.x > 3)
p.Pos=p.Pos - collisionSoftness*(p.Pos.x-3)*Vector2.right;
else if(p.Pos.x < -3)
p.Pos=p.Pos - collisionSoftness*(p.Pos.x+3)*Vector2.right;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Particle : MonoBehaviour {
public Vector2 previousPosition;
public Vector2 vel;
public int index;
public Vector2 externalForce;
void Update()
rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector2.zero;
public Vector2 Pos
return transform.position;}
set {
transform.position = value;
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll)
vel = Vector2.zero;