
introducing myself, guidance requested

Started by November 22, 2014 10:16 PM
7 comments, last by aletheia_games 10 years, 1 month ago

Hi all, I just joined this community. I have long intended to develop a game of my own and have been working towards that goal for a few months now.

The thing is I draw, I make music, I write sometimes and now I have also learnt some coding also (essential Python and some C). Now game development seems to be the next correct step, which might fulfil what I want to do.

Now I want to learn off making some basic games (I have already built stuff like Pong). My concern is to learn and focus on one language/tool (or a limited set of them) and have a good grasp of them before I venture further. I was considering Pygame. But I am not really sure. Medium term to long term, I intend to make a Limbo-like game in terms of aesthetics. I would like some guidance here.

Thanks a lot!

Welcome :)

Pygame and python are a fine choice, though certainly not the only one. For a game like Limbo, you shouldn't run into any troubles with the limitations of a particular language though (among the more popular languages anyhow, c#, java, python, c++ etc). My personal opinion is to choose one that appeals to you and just start making a game. You can always change your mind later, and most programming principles you'll learn at the start of most languages apply to other languages as well, so you haven't "wasted" any learning time, really, other than that spent on syntax.

This site has some online books available to read for free for python and pygame. And, the FAQ can answer a ton of questions regarding language choice, engine options and things of that nature.

Beginner here <- please take any opinions with grain of salt


I would recommend strengthing your programming skills if you want to program the games yourself.

Knowing enough python and C to understand and review the source of other open source games and take them apart, learn how they work, will help you and expand your knowledge significantly.

Also, please don't stop at python and C. I recommend learning other programming languages whenever you get the chance (see the faq) and also learning the APIs that you might use as in C, as you have been looking into pygame for python. For example, SDL, OpenGL, etc.

There are lots of examples of well written code out there, another big piece of advice is that if you can, steer clear of tutorials as they can establish bad habits, examples of well written code can more often be found in open source and other published/finished games, wherever you can view it.

Let me know if you have any further questions smile.png

Thanks guys. I think for now I will start off working on Tetris in Python. I will keep on adding new things to my arsenal as I continue.

I draw, I make music, I write sometimes and now I have also learnt some coding also (essential Python and some C)

Since you mention C in stead of C++ you have a good programming background/teacher, follow it.

I would like to stress, that in my opinion, you should remain productive especialy in the area you have mentioned, but gaining trivial knowledge of coding would benefit you some, but further knowledge of obstacles and trials of coding, would too, even without your ownself implementing them.

Read and study every topic here on gamedev, as it will enrichen you in procedural defintion area of code runtime behavior (some will not as soon as you think).

But if you remain productive in what you mentioned , namely drawing and possibly music, you can escalate and create a lot, becouse coding is nothing but learning a few rules of code, leaning towards compute munching machine preferances.

Here is a little speed up, that fall and stands on 2d art (2d art is vitaly important in 3d as well, mind that, it creates actual visualization, wheather data is color, or light aproximation)

samorost 1

samorost 2

If you have talent in drawing, feed that, there is no problem though in discovering what technology can simulate of course

Hey man you seem like you're more into 2D rather then 3D. What I've been using is Flash which is great especially if you couple it with Starling - gpu engine on top of Flash Stage3D (and maybe Feathers too - User Interface library). This combination has been bomb for me, you can really make awesome games with it. It's quite hard to get started with it I think though so I'd consider FlashPunk - library for Flash which is very simple (I believe) and a great choice to get started.

My new YT channel about game creation is out!!!

Exciting stuff to come;)

I don't mean to sound pessimistic but in my opinion flash is pretty much a dying technology superceded by javascript and html5.Android and ios no longer support it, and even sites such as YouTube have moved away from it where possible. I wouldn't recommend to any newbie to learn flash or anyone looking to develop new skills, it would be a bit like learning cobol...

Python is a great language - its just plain useful to know, and very generous in teaching programming concepts. Great choice!

I don't mean to sound pessimistic but in my opinion flash is pretty much a dying technology superceded by javascript and html5.

I agree with this. There are several really good javascript game engines and with phonegap getting better all the time and a new guy cocoon coming of age you will be able to distribute cross platform very well.
I like python, that is where I began game development, but I'd start with js personally. Currently I'm using phaser game engine which I love.

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