disclaimer: i'm not cool in English
Hello folks
i need your help, i can't choose an engine...
i need wich one that can render millions voxel-like objects with out any problems. (Yea minecraft killer i want to )
i put my eyes on these guys: Source Engine (Is it still valid? or only MightyOne in plumber inc. use it), Unity, UnrealEngine, leadwerks game engine, CryEngine.
And yes i want to integrate my stuff in SteamWorks.
Or you can advise other cool engines.
please help
Micecraft killer... good luck!
But seriously:
1) There is no engine currently that can work directly with what you call "voxels". All engines on the market work with polygons (yes, that includes Minecraft). So if you are talking about rendering, you are talking about millions X <amount of polygons per object> polygons per frame... WOW! Think hard and long about this requirement, you might be limiting your game to only running on quite highend machines here. ESPECIALLY if all this objects are not static and thus CANNOT be batched into single draw calls!
There is another component at play of course, the "Voxel Part" of your engine (which has nothing to do with rendering, but with keeping track of your Voxels, for example when you add and delete voxels) will also need some serious grunt on the CPU / Memory side of the system, depending on how it is implementet. Again, your "millions of X" requirement might limit the minimal system your game is able to run on.
Are you sure you really NEED to render millions of objects at once? Are you sure you NEED millions of objects in the Scene at once at all? No engine today will be able to do that without some serious tricks involved (like batching draw calls, and discarding hidden objects), which again limit what you can do with your "million of objects", and no engine will be able to do even the work involved to save the GPU from complete overload in this situation without some serious hardware grunt in the system.
So really, think long and hard about what you REALLY need...
2) Any of these engines can be used. They are all capable 3D Engines for POLYGON graphics. NONE of them will do Voxel handling out-of-the-box. You can get 3rd party assets from the asset store for Unity that will do Voxel Terrain handling for you. Maybe there is even a general Voxel System. All of this costs money though (not much, mind you, around 50-100$, which is nothing IF the system is written in a professional manner).
If you are not ready to shell out money though, you need to do one of 2 things:
- either keep on looking for an out-of-the-box Voxel based engine (C4 has Voxel Terrain out of the box, but its not free), I know there was a thread on this same forum some months ago where another poster was looking for a Voxel engine, and somebody produced some links.
- Write the voxel management and voxel-to-polygon system yourself. You will need to be quite good in programming, this is a seriously advanced subject.
3) If you want a list of engines, visit the engine DB at devmaster.net