Hello everyone!
I'm trying to create a simple multiplayer card game based on a board game I played recently (7 Wonders), which I currently cannot afford. I want to achieve the following:
- a user should be able to log in (just by entering his username, no checks made)
- upon login a player should be able to choose "a board"
- after choosing he should see his cards, his board, the other players' board (oriented towards him) and the cards (the ones facing up on the table during game)
- playing a card could be just right click + place down OR mouse drag it on the table
- a way of passing all cards to the next player after each played card
I just plan to play it with my friends (3-5 ppl). The game can/should only be available while I'm online (can also host it on a VM like cloud9 or a paas like heroku).
I've worked with: Python, Java, C/C++, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Django, Flask.
What technologies would you recommend me for achieving what I wrote above and based on my knowledge?
Thank you,