I have looked through abit on the forums and as more time allows, I will read more. I am looking for advice, so I can look in the right direction instead of spinning my wheels. I have played RTS type games for a long while and habitually I am an mmorpg gamer. I honestly get pissed off with RTs games because every one of them have imbalances in my opinion that destroy the experience and show the true raw nature of the developers intent. So I am thinking of getting off my behind, take my decades of game playing and amateur programming experience and put my "money" where my mouth is.
I have looked through sourceforge for projects and kept my ears open to engines like unity. I am not looking to just jump in get my feet wet and crumble. I want to make a strong foundation. My overall criteria for finding an engine that is adaptable (and has current support) are as following:
1) Since HTML5 is now the proposed standard, this is a must
2) Desktop browser and mobile browser compatability (mobile may not need to be detailed as desktop, but if the interface can handle it, possibly. Mobile would be more of upkeep type of play unless it can be handled inteligently to perform similarly as desktop.
3) Optional-Dedicated EXE for those of us that like having a dedicated game file (android apk, pc exe, ios ipa, etc...)
4) Customisable UI_- Across all logins from same account. Open mobile, then open desktop, you see the similarity, Even though the 2 systems are different and the core UI may not handle the environment the same. I know LUA and games like WOW can have have some great ui's, but others like Everquest use a hacked XML.
5) Monetary concerns- Able to implement a payment system for goods or services. One that is able to work across all types of gaming environments.
Away from home, I am on my phone, at home I put down the phone or tablet and I 100% prefer my laptop. And so do many of my friends and -people I play with. Questions, comments, suggestions, advice. I have a pool of friends that are experienced on many levels of experience and walks of technology, so I may have people to pitch too, but I want to bring a solid idea to the table if I do.
Thank you and I appreciate the time anyone gives to my dilemna.