Thanks samoth. If I can bring myself together, I will be relaunching the campaign and making these changes:
Removing the tablet
Removing the snobby comments by me
Removing the concept picture
Adding a video of a previous work, 3 minutes
Having better, cheaper rewards
Minor tweaks in games to be launched
And maybe more.
I have a draft if you want to see it:
I wouldn't suggest relaunching it. Why? You can't yet deliver on your promises at a high enough quality level to actually do anything except accidentally rip off people who do contribute.
Hiding the poor quality is not the same as making some high quality. Making things cheaper does not mean making it a better value for customers.
Your game isn't finished and is unpolished, your hardware experience is non-existent, and your claims are made purely by guesswork and not real research. "Slated for delivery in June 2015" is either a fake date you made up or else .
"Very unique" is false, it's completely generic and sub-par. You are too close to your own work to understand that your skill level isn't yet at a point where people will pay you for stuff, so it comes off as a scam.
Also, "viral" means it spreads like a virus. Two threads does not count as viral. And it's not a "campaign against you", it's people saying, hey, look at this and let us laugh together over it. Cruel yes, but they aren't deliberately trying to "campaign" against you. They are talking around a couch in their own home (reddit) about something ridiculous they saw.
You have to actually take the time to actually complete something that actually is highly polished and actually is worth it to consumers. Actually. Not maybe, kinda sorta, in the future, after you pay me, I'll have something to give you that was kinda sorta half-way finished, unpolished. Not, "give me money so I can hire other people". Do the work yourself, make it better than the majority of everything else out there, or else don't charge people for it.
You are gambling with other people's money, and lack the experience and skill necessary to deliver. That's not fair to other people. If you gamble, you need to do it with your own money. Don't tell someone you have the skill and can deliver, when you can't. That's either intentionally and maliciously deceiving them, or else unintentionally deluding yourself.
Instead, focus on really truly gaining that skill (at your own expense) through hard work and study over the next couple of years. Don't try to invest other people's money, invest your own time in learning.
Spend the time to gain skill - don't try to shortcut it at others' expense.