Over a year ago, I came to you for advice regarding this question:
"Would it be viable for a 4X game to have no ship customization whatsoever?"
The feedback I've received then was invaluable, and I thank everyone that took the time to help me bring my design under a better light.
Today, I find myself revisiting that question, after much consideration.
The game I'm making has a strong focus on logistics. Ships have many duties, and it is up to the player to determine how to best utilize them.
[spoiler]A "Cruiser" could be used as a scout (because it is fast and information is valuable), an armored transport/freighter (because it tends to have decent cargo space), a raider/interceptor (because it can take on smaller vessels easily) or a frontline "winger" (in that it can attack smaller ships-of-the-line on the battle front). A player might even willingly sacrifice it to a larger vessel to slow it down, or to weaken it to a point it can be killed by another vessel, or use more than a single Cruiser to "swarm" larger threats.[/spoiler]
Each faction have their own set of ships which drastically differ from one to the other, giving them inherent strengths/weaknesses and suggesting some form of playstyle (without actually directing it entirely).
[spoiler]Race A might have a very aggressive scout, and lack strong battleships whereas race B might have a wide array of middle ships with lots of cargo space. Race C might have a few big guns but lack proper logistical support (all ships having relatively low cargo space).
Race A would probably capitalize on its ability to acquire information and apply concentration of forces to very specific objectives. It would lose a lot of ships, but would end up fighting the battles that are worth the most. Race B could do hit and run tactics: with it's high cargo supply, it could maintain a strong presence away from their resupply centers. Race C would be a moving threat, but their lack of transportation would slow them down, forcing them to establish outposts/colonies along the way, which would make them fearful of other factions' surgical strikes (A and B).[/spoiler]
When gauging the depth of gameplay, I find myself in a position where I believe there's enough for a skilled commander to remain interested in the game despite having no ship customization. I'm also at a crossroads where I feel that adding ship customization might add a bit of fun / strategy, but would add a significant level of complexity (micro-management) and this smells to me like a poor design decision.
So, assuming the above, let me ask you:
"Would it be viable for a 4X game to have no ship customization whatsoever?"