Well, this is the result of trying to add mass of options, but providing only a few real choices. This is bad gamedesign. Instead of adding (mindless) options, try to add real choices first. Eg. you have armor and hp (health/hull point). There's no real difference, because the effect is the same (taking more dmg until being killed/destroyed). Therefor you have 2 options (invest your resources in health or armor) , but no choice, because the best cost-value ratio will dictate the choice for the experienced player.
Either remove one of this options or add real choices, eg. different damage types like physical/energy damage. This way you have two armor types and 3 options to increase it (hp increases all armor types simultaneously).
I agree. The only meaningful choices (at relatively similar cost-efficiency) were between trying to destroy something, or capture it (by dealing damage to the crew) which I felt was a nice addition, but hardly justifies the entire system (a mere checkbox could've been sufficient, really).
My personal take will have different things. For example, shields automatically regenerate over time, whereas armor needs repairing, so you'd rather have your shields take all of the damage, provided your ship generates a lot of energy to make these shields worthwhile, otherwise, you'll trust your armor much more, but will consider bringing along resources to fix your ship.
Also have a rock-paper-scissor relationship between three dominant weapon archetypes and how they interact with crew, armor and shield. Should feel ok, but I don't want rock-paper-scissor to thrump all other strategic elements.
I don't think that this will really work. Humans can only handle/differentiate a few states concurrently (5-7?), even in TBS games, and 100 ships which each being critical is mental overkill If you want to handle this amount of ships, you need more abstraction and customization of single units is too much. As mentioned above, you could have many options, but only few real choices. Common options would be different ship classes, different customization of ships, different squadrons etc., but eventually you only have a few specialized groups, which can be build in many different ways (options) to maximize the effect for a certain task (real choice like planatary siege, planatary defense, fleet battle, escort etc).
I meant, each faction would have 7-10 different ship classes, but could control up to 100 units on the battlefield (each of which would be a straight copy from one of these classes, meaning you only need to know 7-10 different ship classes). Also, some ship classes would be straightforward (scout, basic cargo transports, etc.) so you'd probably only ever have 3-4 ships to consider to any given "mission" you have in mind, each of which should be viable options, but would determine your playstyle: do you tend to build more cargo-intensive warships or go with slim rocket-punch designs?
The fun would come from grouping these as you see fit.
For example, you, as a player, have chosen that your "usual battlegroup" is 2X Ship A + 4X ship C because it gives you confidence that you have sufficient logistical support (from Ship A) and firepower (from ship C). That's your usual battlegroup, and nothing ties you to using it but yourself. Since it works for you, more power to you!
Try to focus on real choices and use a manageable abstraction layer. Many strategy games adds hero units (eg. table top games), which could be customized and are restricted to only a handful of units. Standard units are then only classified accordingly to their specific role (attack bomber, shield unit, attack fighter..).
I'm not a big fan of abstraction. I find that, imo, what prevented me from trully liking some of the best 4X games out there (MoO series for example, and even Civilization) is that there was too much abstraction and I ended up lacking the proper feel of managing my army.
Since I want this game to be trully about the ships themselves, I'm also opposed to adding hero units. From experience, they tend to take away the entire focus of the game. For example, I liked Warcraft I and II, and absolutely hated Warcraft III... similarly, I'm not a LoL fan :)
My sugguestion would be to boil down your gamedesign to real choices first, throw away all unnecessary options, then try to refine your game design to add more options which supports real choices.
I feel I've already done that. Though my ref games seemed to fail there, I believe I've brought up a system that has a lot of strategic decisions. Ultimately, I feel that my customization would work "as is" because, it's a lot more meaningful than my competitor's, but ultimately, I can't shake the feeling that it's just too much. Though I approach this problem as a question of depth, I now believe the concern is mostly that of design space, or rather, how much attention span I expected the player to dedicate to this game. If it goes too derply, it risks becoming unplayable, and I feel that customization, no matter fun/deep, is a strong culprit. It also feels as part of the solution than to "cut" the customization out, and I am merely assessing the damage report on my minimum viable product when doing so... My instinct tells me it would work, but I love feedback!
PS: after re-reading my own text, it sinks in , that I'm in a similar situation (customization of 20-40 minions)...Darn !
Per faction? Woahhhh
My concept currently has approximately 50 units total, but that's got 6 very different factions (some ships get reused). I anticipate that the global unit pool will never exceed 70 for all factions involved, and that in an average game, players will only get to see 40 or so (depending on players' choices). Most of the time, they would be likely to be confronted to only 5-10 beyond their own (depending who they are at war with, or close to for example).
I have been reading recently on your beloved VGA Planets Note they seem to be about battlegroups, not individual ships (the player builds one "fleet composition" and then copy it for all/most needs).
Ah the DreadLord manual! A strategy guide based on the teachings of Sun Tzu. Note that these tips are not inherently built systems in the game, but rather, a "pro" approach to fighting. There is nothing called "battlegroups" in the game, rather, it is a strategy employed by the writer to determine functional units of combat (as I've described above). These groups exist only on two planes: in the player's mind, and by the mere fact they generally occupy the same coordinates in the universe. Nothing would actually prevent them from breaking up but the actual player's doctrine.
The reasoning is that consistent battlegroups bring consistent expectations. If you see a "green dot" on your worldmap at a given coordinate, your instantly know what forces you have there, what sort of threat they can take on, and what they can't cope with. You also know all of their side-capabilities (can they lay mines? cloak? move over large distances? repair themselves? capture a planet? etc.)
This approach is very strong, but the game should not enforce it, rather, it should lure the players to get there on their own so that they feel they are getting better with their tactical analysis and planning.
100 important individual ships seems unmanageable. It's much easier to control 10,000 ships of more or less standarized setup
It is not as bad as it looks. Though you could potentially have 100 ships to manage, you would hardly get that many to focus on every turn. Why?
- Let's assume 20% of them are freighters, which are in transit for 3-4 turns. On any given turn, you'd probably have 15 of them "flying" with no actual input required. It's good that you know where they are, in case there is a threat of them being intercepted by an enemy, but their order is set regardless.
- Some of your warships are busy defending your borders and need to stand idle (possibly 20% of your fleet)
- Some utility ships need to remain in orbit of planets to terraform them, or transform resources or even mine (possibly 20%)
- Of your remaining ships (45) many are currently in-transit but haven't reached their destination yet. Most likely, more than half. You just need to wait and let them resume their movement.
(- 20)
- Your remaining active ships (25) are possibly arranged in 4 or 5 battlegroups (5 - 6 ships per battlegroup). You only need to bother issuing orders once and have the others follow, so you end up sending out... 4 or 5 important orders for this turn for your mainstay fleet. You might have each battlegroup have a fore-runner/vanguard/scout to avoid traps, so let's double that number.
In a given turn, you end up giving 8 to 10 meaningful ship orders. Doesn't look so bad now does it?
I used to be overwhelmed by having to control individual ships, but more and more, I see the value in being able to break away from the fleet to do a side-mission.
BTW, if you want "space chess" reduce both the board and the number of pieces.
I really don't want chess, because chess has no production, a finite and pre-determine symmetrical amount of pieces. I really want to capitalize on the infinite and asymmetrical aspect of gameplay, where each faction gets to slowly customize their army's composition (from an asymmetrical ship list) as this would slowly shape their battle plan / doctrine.
Even if two players, using the same faction, have the same end-game (target using the same ships) they would probably still get there building them in a different order, making the early / mid-game quite diverse.