
Height Question

Started by January 17, 2000 07:57 AM
1 comment, last by Goodlife 25 years, 1 month ago
Howdy again, My problem today is getting my character to walk across a terrain grid that has been fractally computed. I have four corners that specify each grid spot (who doesn''t) and I have a character that exists at a grid spot, at an offset inside it, like so (x is grid corner, o is the player''s offset). x x o x x I assign each of the grid corners with a height of its own-- therefore, the square drawn across is is tilted. I want to position my character so that he looks like he''s standing on. Anyone have an equation I can plug this into? Right now I''m just taking the average of the four corners, for a shortcut until I sit down and figure out the real deal. Wanted to know if anyone''s done this already or has a good math background and can provide me with an equation. Thanks in advance! Goodlife
-- Goodlife-----------------------------Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.--DirectX design team official motto
If your tile is "flat" (all the edges are coplanar, not horizontal), then the height of a charact with an offset of x,y, in a tile with the folowing disposition of heights:
h00 h01
h10 h11
could be found like this:
float dhx = h01 - h00;
float dhy = h10 - h00;
hcharacter = x*dhx + y*dhy;

If the edges aren''t coplanar, then the height of the character depends on whatever the kind of distribution of heights in your tiles (one simple case would be where your tile was constituted by two triangles, then you''d have to know on wich triangle you character you character was and then follow the approach given above, with the points for the given triangle)
Thanks, AM, I had figured out a way about an hour ago, and was checking in.

The way I did it was to assume that my ''point'' was a certain percentage of each corner. Then I used the corner''s height*percentage, all added together. Worked nicely.

If anyone wants a copy of the algo, email me at, I''ll be glad to provite. If you have a flat tipped quadrangle, and you want to know at what height a certain pixel in it is, it''ll tell you.

Thanks again, AM!
-- Goodlife-----------------------------Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.--DirectX design team official motto

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