
Tutorial Series

Started by October 07, 2014 05:30 AM
29 comments, last by riuthamus 9 years, 10 months ago

Would you guys want a weekly tutorial series started here? If so comment here and let me know if that is something you would like.

Ooh, sounds interesting - what sort of topic(s) would be covered?

- Jason Astle-Adams


Well, that is in part why I wanted to ask if people were interested. Figured we could start off with the basics of shape, move into lighting, and then finish up with some color theory. Once we got the basics in place we could work on "topics" people wanted.

  • Pixel Art
  • 2d art
  • Vector art
  • Concept art
  • 3d Art
  • Hand Painted Textures
  • Texturing of assets
  • Optimization of Assets

And any other topics people might have/want to cover.

I might be wrong here, but I think the majority of people in the gamedev forums are mainly programmers, so the very, very, VERY basics might be a good theme to cover :P.

But yeah, count me in, I'm very interested.

please do... would be v interested

I might be wrong here, but I think the majority of people in the gamedev forums are mainly programmers, so the very, very, VERY basics might be a good theme to cover tongue.png.

I support this approach. smile.png

As coder I think that there's a gap between common programmer art and professional art, which I would like to see filled. There are other communities which have a strong art focus and already cover most common styles (eg. retro pixel art, professional 3d art etc.) and I too think, that gamedev community have a lot more coders on board than artists. I would like a simple approaches to get some decent art on my screen and not some hi-end art tutorials which requires several years of dedication in the art department or some of the expensive tools (maya,max,photoshop).

So I vote for advanced programmer art wub.png


Hello. I'm new here at gamedev. I think it will be better for the theme to be BASICS for people who need to know a lot of things. That's just my opinion.

Sounds like a plan. I will write up some introduction stuff and make the first video this weekend. Thanks for the comments guys.

You should defiantly do one on how to talk to a coder, so your vision of, I don't placement, can come to light

Mobile Developer at PawPrint Games ltd.

(Not "mobile" as in I move around a lot, but as in phones, mobile phone developer)

(Although I am mobile. no, not as in a babies mobile, I move from place to place)

(Not "place" as in fish, but location.)

Hm... that can be a mid season segment! lolol

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