I am working on a kind of MMORPG server-client system, just for fun and to learn things. I use c# console for server and Unity for the client (script in c#).
I have a basic idea and i would like to ask you guys to over-watch it and correct it.
After my ideas, which are done and i'm quite sure about it I will put a "//DONE", the rest will be "//WORKING ON AND NOT SURE"
So, I make a Socket server for the world and for the login //DONE
the two servers have two ports //DONE
I handle the incoming connection in login server, check the PW and USERNAME, //DONE
if it's correct I move to the character select screen and the character creation screen in the client, //DONE
handling the selection and the creation in the server //DONE
if the character get selected the login server will pass the data to the world server and the game starts //WORKING ON AND NOT SURE
if it's not i alert the client about it. //DONE
On the client side, I have a static client Object. I connect, i handle the errors //DONE
I can login, select the character, create new one //DONE
i want to move to the GAME scene, but i don't know how. //WORKING ON AND NOT SURE
--> this is where i stuck. Should I make my client to connect to an other PORT (the world port) when the game scene appears?
Guys, i need your help! If anything with my idea is bad please let me know it.
I appreciate your time!
Thanks for the answers!
PS.: I'd like to apologies cause my english. If something is not clear, please let me know and i will make it clear!