
The Calling Conventions of Members

Started by October 03, 2014 11:14 PM
15 comments, last by warhound 9 years, 11 months ago
Name a calling convention after yourself or a fellow gamedev member!

Your calling convention must:
  • Begin with double underscore
  • Contain "call"
  • Describe a behavior of yourself or another member of the forum (past or present)
  • Not aim to offend
The list so far:
// Author: L. Spiro
// Performs most fastest call ever, forcibly implementing perfectly optimized 
// quantum computing even on machines incapable of such a thing.

// Author: L. Spiro
// Usually effective, sometimes tentacle-rapes young girls.

// Author: yoshi_lol
// Supports 22 registers

// Author: fastcall22
// Disables any attached debugger and trashes the stack with propaganda about
// optymizations and debuggers, if a debugger was detected

// Author: fastcall22
// Poisons every function with __fastcall, because it has the word
// 'fast' in it, so that must make the program run EVEN faster-er

// Author: L. Spiro
// Asks for advice before every call, ignores advice and calls the wrong function.

// Optimizes calls for maintainability rather than performance.

//Will troll your bytes.  Might cause antivirus warnings.

"The code you write when you learn a new language is shit.
You either already know that and you are wise, or you don’t realize it for many years and you are an idiot. Either way, your learning code is objectively shit." - L. Spiro

"This is called programming. The art of typing shit into an editor/IDE is not programming, it's basically data entry. The part that makes a programmer a programmer is their problem solving skills." - Serapth

"The 'friend' relationship in c++ is the tightest coupling you can give two objects. Friends can reach out and touch your privates." - frob

// Invocations to functions declared with this calling convention must have their
// parameters arranged in the shape of a rocketship. Causes undefined behaviour otherwise.
// Undefined behaviour may include launching your local PC on a Mars-bound, Earth-escape trajectory.

// Passes as many arguments as possible through registers and assigns them in
// the reverse order than the official ABI does. Last three registers of each
// type get trashed.

If you wonder, this is exactly how I program in 68000 assembly (pass as many arguments as possible through registers, start from d7/a6 instead of d0/a0, the registers d5-d7 and a4-a6 can safely be trashed).

Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.

// Invocations to functions declared with this calling convention must have their
// parameters arranged in the shape of a rocketship. Causes undefined behaviour otherwise.
// Undefined behaviour may include launching your local PC on a Mars-bound, Earth-escape trajectory.

This is how nasa get's rovers to the red planet.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

// slicer4ever: Doesn't respond when you ask him if his name has something to do with the game Bioshock.

// slicer4ever: Doesn't respond when you ask him if his name has something to do with the game Bioshock.

slicer4ever was in review mode =-P. Actually i apparently left chat open by accident most of today, but no my name doesn't have anything to do with BioShock.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

I call foul on that one, it doesn't finish in call

Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.

// Doesn't really do anything
// but it looks fancy

FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

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