
Very advanced particle effects

Started by October 03, 2014 07:30 AM
2 comments, last by StarMire 10 years, 3 months ago

Hi there,

I was wondering if there are tutorials on very advanced particle effects in a graphics api (directx, opengl)?

Like beams (with multiple colors), illusions of 3d, plasma, '3d' fire, lightning.

Most tutorials dont go father than how to emit a basic billboard particle. :(


Thanks for reading.

Most tutorials dont go father than how to emit a basic billboard particle. sad.png

Just emit lots of those billboards particles at random positions in a close enough space, make them move slowly upwards while increasing their transparency, and you'll get the effect you want. Also, play around with different blending modes for different results.

Also, lightning is not a particle effect.


Most tutorials dont go father than how to emit a basic billboard particle. sad.png

Because that's all there is to it. Just smoke and mirrors.

The key is in a good system that can emit lots of controlled billboards. And by "controlled" it means how many particles are emitted per second, of which type (i.e. size, material), rate of growth per second, colour randomization, where do they get emitted, if they follow a predetermined path or are attracted by some force (like gravity) etc.

The rest is just really good artists knowing how to take advantage of it.

Google "particle system emitter affector" for ideas on how to implement your own (i.e. a quick google returns these interesting links)

There are a few exceptions though i.e. for thunder/lightning effects you're better off writing a code that will create a chain/path of connected billboards (each billboard slightly reoriented) that randomly split into 2 or 3 paths at certain points. Then repeat until desired length is reached. (like this, but in 3D)

When we mean "advanced particle effects" we actually mean about voxels, fluids, and other very compute intensive stuff which isn't what you're asking for.

As others said, this is an art issue: That's what you need to look for.

It's all about the graphic you put on the billboard, programmed movement, emission rates, location, spread, and tweaking all of the variables in the right context.

Find an artist, and just do with the particles what she/he commands biggrin.png

Or you can use a tool (or make your own) for tweaking particle properties, and then copy what you've made in your game. It's difficult for most programmers to achieve the right look, though (unless they have a secret artist hiding inside). Art is as much about seeing when something is wrong and knowing how to tweak it as getting things right to begin with.

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