Don't use "not", use '!'. While 'not' and 'and','or', and things like that are all standard C++, the vast majority of C++ programmers use ! && || and so on, so that's the way you need to learn it.
I'll admit to some copy/pasting here Generally I use !, &&, ||. However, In my test files, it's just quicker to copy/paste things from a tutorial and then play with them until I understand them, see how things are working. Though, copy/pasting isn't something I do in my programs typically, unless it's from another program of mine.
Servant, while I have your ear, and you seem to be familiar with jsoncpp, the example you gave uses the string parse function. Is there a way to use the istream parsing function without first getting strings of all the lines beforehand? In my example, I'm trying to use the istream parse function, however, unless I manually getline() on each line, it returns NULL (in which case, I may as well just use the string parse, per your example). It's not a giant deal, but it could cut down on some unnecessary code for me.
It's possible that that function doesn't actually do what i'm wanting it to do, which is parse the file without converting it to a string first. And it's a little of a moot point, since it's not a lot of extra code to convert to a string and I'll be running this at startup/shutdown.
edit* just re-read your comment, and you mention you're actually not familiar with it, so no worries. However, if anyone IS familiar with jsoncpp and knows the answer to this, I'm all ears
edit** Ugh, actually the istream parse function works exactly like expected, I just had my json file formatted incorrectly. Good times :P Anyhow, I think for the moment, I have everything more or less sorted out to move forward. Thanks for the help and advice everyone. I appreciate it :)