Hi, i have a problem with calculating position of a tank that its position is calculated from 4 points (see image below there are 4 spheres on the corners of tank hull - red green white and blue)
So i do following steps:
First i calculate forces that are acting on the tank (in this example tank is dropped from 20 meters above the surface), i simplified the formula so force acting on the tank is gravity (weight) only. It should fall to the point on the surface this big red sphere ;]
Then after setting new position of a tank i check whenever there was a collision with the surface[ from tank old position to the new one) and if there was i set the tank to the proper position. BUT problem occurs when theres no collision at all
let me start from begin:
calculate forces acting on tank
for each collision sphere (white,red,green,blue):
check collision (from old position to the new position - new pos, is a pos where we want to go with the tank) if there was no collision return that point where we want to go (new pos)
fl = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_front_left,col_front_left + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rfl); <-- last value is the returned point
fr = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_front_right,col_front_right + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rfr);
rl = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_rear_left,col_rear_left + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rrl);
rr = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_rear_right,col_rear_right + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rrr);
col_front_left, col_front_right, col_rear_left, col_rear_right are positions of these collision spheres. the return point of collision or no collision is
rfl for front left , rfr for front right, rrl for rear left, rrr for rear right
fl,fr,rl,rr are bools to help me determinate where collision occured.
then i calculate the actual pitch and roll of the tank, and the new roll and pitch after collision(or no collision)
then i subtract them to see the difference (and then i can rotate tank by this angle)
a(anglename) stands for actual(anglename) n(anglename) stands for new(anglename)
t3dpoint aroll = ( (col_front_left - col_front_right) + (col_rear_left - col_rear_right) ) /2.0f;
t3dpoint apitch = ( (col_front_left - col_rear_left) + (col_front_right - col_rear_right) ) /2.0f;
t3dpoint nroll = ( (rfl - rfr) + (rrl - rrr) ) / 2.0f;
t3dpoint npitch = ( (rfl - rrl) + (rfr - rrr) ) / 2.0f;
so now we are here since tank position and rotation is represented by 4 points (these collision spheres)
i calculate the position like
pos = (rfl+rfr+rrl+rrr) / 4.0f; (add all sphere positions and then divide it by the amount of spheres) and this is the main line causing problems, whenever i want to go down it goes infront...
heres the full code:
void __fastcall CheckForCollision()
int facei = ReturnFaceIndex(oldc);
t3dpoint movement_ray = vectorAB(oldc,pos); //oldc is a point before movement, pos is a point where we want to go (after movement).
t3dpoint rfl, rfr, rrl, rrr;
bool fl,fr,rl,rr;
rfl = col_front_left;
rfr = col_front_right;
rrl = col_rear_left;
rrr = col_rear_right;
// &PS, //
fl = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_front_left,col_front_left + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rfl);
fr = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_front_right,col_front_right + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rfr);
rl = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_rear_left,col_rear_left + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rrl);
rr = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_rear_right,col_rear_right + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rrr);
t3dpoint aroll = ( (col_front_left - col_front_right) + (col_rear_left - col_rear_right) ) /2.0f;
t3dpoint apitch = ( (col_front_left - col_rear_left) + (col_front_right - col_rear_right) ) /2.0f;
t3dpoint nroll = ( (rfl - rfr) + (rrl - rrr) ) / 2.0f;
t3dpoint npitch = ( (rfl - rrl) + (rfr - rrr) ) / 2.0f;
//. u = v - n * dot(n, v)
// cross(n, cross(v, n))
t3dpoint A,B, n;
A = vectorAB(sector->VBO_V[sector->VBO_BE[facei].INDEX_START],sector->VBO_V[sector->VBO_BE[facei].INDEX_START+1]);
B = vectorAB(sector->VBO_V[sector->VBO_BE[facei].INDEX_START],
n = vectorcross(A,B);
t3dpoint proj_surfacev_apitch = n * (apitch*n);
t3dpoint proj_surfacev_npitch = vectorcross(n, vectorcross(npitch,n));
t3dpoint proj_surfacev_aroll = vectorcross(n, vectorcross(aroll,n));
t3dpoint proj_surfacev_nroll = vectorcross(n, vectorcross(nroll,n));
float pitcha = AngleBetweenVectors(proj_surfacev_apitch, apitch);
float rolla = AngleBetweenVectors(proj_surfacev_aroll, aroll);
float pitchn = AngleBetweenVectors(proj_surfacev_npitch, npitch);
float rolln = AngleBetweenVectors(proj_surfacev_nroll, nroll);
float res_pitch = pitchn - pitcha;
float res_roll = rolln - rolla;
hull.rotation.pitch( cos(res_pitch), sin(res_pitch) );
hull.rotation.roll( cos(res_roll), sin(res_roll) );
pos = (rfl+rfr+rrl+rrr) / 4.0f;
any suggestions? i think the code is fine, maybe someone else will tell me that, it should work but somehow it isn'teverything btween las sphere_intersect_polygon and pos = (xx) / 4.0f is irrevelant to the topic.
so the code that is responsible for this is like:
void __fastcall CheckForCollision()
int facei = ReturnFaceIndex(oldc);
t3dpoint movement_ray = vectorAB(oldc,pos); //oldc is a point before movement, pos is a point where we want to go (after movement).
t3dpoint rfl, rfr, rrl, rrr;
bool fl,fr,rl,rr;
rfl = col_front_left;
rfr = col_front_right;
rrl = col_rear_left;
rrr = col_rear_right;
// &PS, //
fl = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_front_left,col_front_left + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rfl);
fr = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_front_right,col_front_right + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rfr);
rl = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_rear_left,col_rear_left + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rrl);
rr = col->SPHERE_INTERSECT_POLYGON(col_rear_right,col_rear_right + movement_ray,2.0f,sector,facei,rrr);
pos = (rfl+rfr+rrl+rrr) / 4.0f;
maybe il post a vid what i get: