Eck, do you mind if I take some of those questions that you had posted and use them in my post-mortem? (I've already copied them, so they're not lost.)
The Week of Awesome II - Unnofficial After Party
Was fun, lots of really great entries!
I started mine one day after the competition began, and was happy with my idea, but as usual way too much other work during the week. But was fun to try to implement as much as possible in the last couple of hours before deadline
I tried your entry Eck but it just crashes on startup before anything is shown at all. Win7 x64, AMD GPU.
Strange. Seemed to boot on mine (Win7, x64, AMD GPU) :S
What were the questions?
- What are some features in your games that you're proud of?
- What were other teams doing that you thought were cool?
- How did your game change from concept to delivery?
- What things did you learn from the experience?
- What did you screw up? (May want to wait until after the judging, they may not notice!)
- If you had one more day, what would you focus on?
My Twitter Account: @EbornIan
Good work folks and i like this thread, i'll see if riu(or another mod) will pin it up once i get home.
I tried your entry Eck but it just crashes on startup before anything is shown at all. Win7 x64, AMD GPU.
Excerpted from Eck's INSTALLATION_GUIDE
Strange. Seemed to boot on mine (Win7, x64, AMD GPU) :S
2. Ensure all prerequisites are installed.
Tried to reinstall them and reboot but same result. Ran the exe through the debugger and it gave me a better error dialog.
What the crap? It's been working on everyone else's computer!!!! Like 10 other people have tried it. >.< And there's no drm protected music, it was all free. Waaaah!
Okay, don't panic.... breathe....
Which link did you get it from? The dropbox or my game journal?
You can disable the songs via the data settings files. Let me get those details to you...
EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG
Clicked the link in the journal I think,
Exception was in Xna.Framework.Media.MediaQueue.Play.
Probably that DRM thing is just a guess and it could be anything that causes the media play to fail.. perhaps something with audio outputs.. tried disconnecting HDMI monitors too to limit the number of audio outputs but same result.
I'd prefer it if we could get this working on your computer with the music since I feel it adds quite a bit. I even made sure to get it working on my mom's computer who is very much NOT a developer. Maybe try updating your sound drivers?
If you want to try it without the title music, in the Data\GameSettingsData.xml file, there are some GameState elements with BackgroundMusicName elements. Replace all "TitleAndStory" with "", and it shouldn't play the song. You can try to play the game again after making those changes.
Try just this, and fire up the game. After you get to the title screen, click the credits button which should trigger a different song. I hope the credits music works. It's a firefly reference.
If that crashes, you'll probably have to get rid of the rest of the music entries,
There are other songs in the game as well. One for the main game "GameMusic", boss speech, "BossSpeech", lose screen, "LoseScreen", win screen, "WinScreen", and credits, "Credits".
And you can hold down the spacebar to speed through the cutscenes.
EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG
Works without the music!
Tried it on my laptop but crashed there too... very strange, perhaps some program I use is incompatible.. but I can't imagine which, only have like VC++ and Photoshop.. Skype.. Steam, VLC.. and that's pretty much it of what is installed on both laptop and desktop.