First of all i would like you to see this:
Image shows a tank (not rotated, static) with 4 collision spheres (white, red, green, blue)
/ note: three lines what you see (white,red,green) show the positive side of an axis, so for red its +x, for green its +y and for white its +z,
My problem is whenever i try to rotate a tank spheres are rotated backwards. like on this video:
To rotate a tank i use exactly the same rotation matrix i use to rotate these spheres.
now to explain it more deeply: sphere base position (in relation to unrotated tank) is calculated like this:
front_left sphere which is white (span_dist, 0, front_dist) [xyz]
front_right (red) (-span_dist, 0, front_dist) [xyz]
rear_left (green) (span_dist, 0, -front_dist)
rear_right (blue) (-span_dist, 0, -front_dist)
i draw the tank like this:
hull.rotation.AIR_MATRIX <- this is my rotation matrix (it only has rotation data, - no translation and scale data)
now i calculate spheres positions like:
float rotm[16]; int i;
for (i=0; i<16;i++) rotm[i] = hull.rotation.AIR_MATRIX[i];
col_front_left = front_left * rotm;
col_front_left = col_front_left + pos;
col_front_right = front_right * rotm;
col_front_right = col_front_right + pos;
col_rear_left = rear_left * rotm;
col_rear_left = col_rear_left + pos;
col_rear_right = rear_right * rotm;
col_rear_right = col_rear_right + pos;
where rotm is a copied hull.rotation.AIR_MATRIX (ofc same values)
a code for multiplying a vertex by a matrix is:
t3dpoint operator*(const float in[16]) const
{ //since its an opengl engine i use this order
//note that i do not add translation data and do not use scaling
return t3dpoint(
No i should say something about how do i calculate rotation matrix:
lets say i have three vectors front, right and up vector
i rotate them by calling pitch, yaw, roll funcitons
and then i build a matrix like this:
AIR_MATRIX[0] = rr.x; //right
AIR_MATRIX[1] = rr.y;
AIR_MATRIX[2] = rr.z;
AIR_MATRIX[3] = 0.0f;
AIR_MATRIX[4] = ru.x; //up
AIR_MATRIX[5] = ru.y;
AIR_MATRIX[6] = ru.z;
AIR_MATRIX[7] = 0.0f;
AIR_MATRIX[8] = -rf.x; //front
AIR_MATRIX[9] = -rf.y;
AIR_MATRIX[10] = -rf.z;
AIR_MATRIX[11] = 0.0f;
AIR_MATRIX[12] = 0.0f; //point
AIR_MATRIX[13] = 0.0f;
AIR_MATRIX[14] = 0.0f;
AIR_MATRIX[15] = 1.0f;
Hopefully its enough info for someone that can help me ;x
oh i forgot to add that whenever i try to pitch the rotation matrix (opengl model draws properly) but i get stranger spheres pos.