
The Week of awesome II - The competition Thread!

Started by September 22, 2014 04:00 AM
297 comments, last by slicer4ever 9 years, 11 months ago

I don't see any reason it can't be as dark as you like, but just have a bit of sense on when you think it might be going to far.

Fair enough, and thank you. ^_^


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Hey guys!

We come to a conclusion for our todays thinking and concepting session. Here's our journal:

Enjoy and be welcome to comment! smile.png



I really like the graphic. I cannot wait to see more of the artwork.

It's more of less the end of day 1 for me, so here's a screenshot of my progress so far...


All of these are static sprites at the moment, but the level is being loaded from a level file.

My game idea so far (evolving as I go, no doubt) is along the lines of adding jumps and blocks to forge a path for the toys through the level.

This represents a few hours of work on my part, getting the core code infrastructure off the ground always takes ages and there's still more to do!

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get box2d integrated for some simple gravity and collision detection.

That looks cool! I take it that it's going to be somewhat like Lemmings?


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

That looks cool! I take it that it's going to be somewhat like Lemmings?

Exactly, it's very Lemmings-inspired. The main difference from classic Lemmings is that the player won't be assigning jobs to individual units, rather they'll be positioning things in the world (like jumps) which alter their path.


Sitting here 6:30pm still trying to come up with an idea

My day 1 notes are now up at

I may add more to this plus more work to show if I have the energy. I stayed up late last night until about 3-4 am EST. Thanks! LOL


Moonlit House

It's more of less the end of day 1 for me, so here's a screenshot of my progress so far...

I had a feeling someone might use Kenny's art, it is a great style for this theme.

My report for my official "end of day 1": Thus far, I have a concept, a 3D model of my protagonist (partially textured and with only a "standing" animation thus far), and just enough of the game to have said protagonist walk around a black void. All in all, I'm actually fairly happy with my progress today.

As you may guess from the above, I've switched from 2D art to 3d (likely with 2D art as called for); in short, I decided that all that spriting would likely take longer than 3D modelling, given the relative simplicity of many of the items that I intend. It's a pity to lose the crisp detail that 2D art allows for objects that take up a small number of pixels, but I think that it's worth it to avoid spriting every frame in each direction.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

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