Thanks haegarr. I will try your suggestion !
This bring me to another quick question. Let's say I multiply each xyz primitive coordinates by 1/2, should I expect to get a sprite half the size of the original?
Thanks and Regards.
EDIT: I guess this will need a displacement component as well along with halfing the vertices
“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”
You can then compute the center of each sprite by summing the N vertex positions and divide by N. Then subtract those center position from each of the N vertex positions, half the resulting vector, and re-add the center. E.g.
for each sprite vec2 center(0, 0); for each of the N vertices of the sprite do center += vertex.pos; center /= N; for each of the N vertices of the sprite do vertex.pos = ( vertex.pos + center ) * 0.5;
haegarr, thanks ! That works perfect !
Thank you all for the help.