Take a look at Phaser. You don't need to know CSS to write an html5 game.
I've given up already, now I want to try again GML? or something else?
Just to add to what others said:
Don't keep giving up on things because they seem to hard. Accept that game dev IS in fact hard work. Math. Programming. And a lot of it.
Depending on your requeirments, using Unity or Game Maker is giving you a head start, even with a 2D Project. But as other have said before, that is not a given, and developing a small 2D game from scratch WILL be certainly faster than using a full fat game engine (which adds its own overhead and come additional things complicating what should be dead simple).
I respect your opinion on not liking Game Maker, have not used it before so have not really formed an opinion on it. But again:
- Instead of just stating "not liking Game Maker" (or "CSS confuses me"), state exactly what you are not liking (or does confuse you). This way people might understand your decision better, respect it more (because you show that you act upon good reasons and not just out of a whim), and maybe there is a guy that might tell you exactly what you did wrong, or explain you the thing that confuses you.