Hi guys
I have a problem to correctly linking GLFW under eclipse Luna C/C++ IDE
I already read this post:
I tried his solution
If you are trying to link the static version of the library, libglfw3.a, you have to link gdi32 in this order.
- libglfw3.a
- gdi32
- opengl32
If you are linking in the dynamic link version of the library, glfw3dll.a, you shouldn't need to link gdi32.
but I received this error:
cannot find -llibglfw3.a C/C++ Problem
So I changed libglfw3.a with the entire path. But I still receive the same error:
cannot find -lC:\Users\Alfonso-PC\workspace\ProvaGLFW\libglfw3.a C/C++ Problem
Of corse I also include the .h folder under "Includes"
And the lib-mingw folder under "Library paths"
How Can I solve this issue?