Hello, I know these must come up a lot but they probably make for a good first post :)
I've been contemplating a game like this for a while and looking for a new project so wouldn't mind giving it a go. I've Googled and read a lot but you do get quite overwhelmed by the sheer recommendations of one library/engine and then the opposite on another site. I would appreciate your advice based on some specific questions if you don't mind.
I am a web dev by trade, so I'm familiar with html/css, js and php (though I don't think php will be of much use to me) and have some basic experience with Python.
I've zero interest in learning C, or it's derivatives, as I tried once and it's headache inducing for me after using something as fun as JS for so long.
I take it I should probably go the JS route? Being most comfortable here. If it's possible with that language. A web based (ajax driven) game is fine, the thought of mobile is a long way off. I am not thinking along the lines of those time based browser strategy games that are out there.
Is there any libraries/engines you would recommend for this kind of game?
What are some principles/theory do you think would be worth studying for such a game. Single and multiplayer, so things like AI are a sure bet, for eg.
Are there any other resources you might recommend when creating a game like this?