Hey GameDev community
So, im having a problem. A noobish problem imo.
I was trying to execute this tutorial:
and, for some reason, this error keep showing up.
I've tried other tutorials, including FreeGLUT and GLEW tutorials, and this same error keeps on showing up.
I've placed the headers and libs inside Visual Studio folder and the DLL inside de %SystemRoot&/System32. I've also tried using the properties of the visual studio project -> Additional Include Directories and the Linker correspondent. (and Addicional Dependencies)
SubSystem is set to Console.
I've probably skipped a step in setting up OpenGL, but i can't seem to find that step.
Im sorry if this was already explained in other topics. I did search, but i didn't find anything that helped.
Thank you
EDIT: Any other information that is missing for the resolution of the problem, please ask. I will include it ASAP.