I guess my understanding is that the entire point of a first person perspective is to try and make the player feel like they *are* the character, seeing what they see, etc.
I guess I can see that. It's a matter of perspective and focus though! I feel the main draw of a first-person camera is to put me into the world, not my eyes into the character.
This varies from person to person. I know two artists/writers very well, and the three of us are all very creative people who chat about our design ideas and works for each others' opinions.
I realized that alot of our differences in creative ideas come down to what our "primary focus" is.
One of them holds story as the primary focus, and the world is merely the setting for the story, and the characters are the vehicle for the story. Don't get me wrong, her worlds and characters are very awesome and aren't shortchanged at all - but the characters and world are tools to tell the story.
The other artist/writer holds her characters as the primary focus. She creates worlds and writes stories to explore those characters. The world and story becomes the tool to explore the characters.
And I am always world-focused. I create stories and characters to flush out and explore my worlds. I try to make interesting stories and interesting characters, but they are the lens through which my world can be explored.
Now just because these three focuses are our primary creative inspirations, it actually, oddly, isn't very noticeable in our works (unless you really are trying to analyze them). I read my story-focused friend's work because I enjoy the world she created. Just like I read Tolkien for the world, whereas others read Tolkien for the characters, and still others read Tolkien for the plot. A good work should be enjoyable to readers coming with any of those three perspectives.
[Edit:] Even in games like Halflife, I feel Gordon Freeman is a vehicle for *me* to personally enter the world. Despite all the characters talking to 'Gordon', and frequently mentioning his name (I think the frequent name-drop might actually be a poor design choice on Valve's part), the reason why the character is a silent protagonist (and why there are no cutscenes where you lose control) is so it can be *you* and so *you* aren't ever forced to speak aloud or do something that you didn't actually speak, and so *you* aren't forced to hear a voice that isn't actually yours. (And no third-person camera moments especially so you are never "out of body").